Nursing and midwifery Val Godfroy Education Liaison Officer
2 Nursing and Midwifery Courses available 2011 and beyond Successful Applications Why choose the University of Southampton? What next? Information sources
3 Courses available Adult nursing Children’s nursing Mental health nursing Learning disability nursing Midwifery
4 Midwifery is …. Working with women from the early weeks of pregnancy to provide education, support and advice to meet health care needs.
5 Midwifery Woman centred profession Education and support Health promotion Assessment and planning Social care
6 Children’s nursing is … Caring for children and young people with health needs and providing support to their families. Work is incredibly varied ranging from the intensive care of a premature baby through to caring for a sick adolescent.
7 Children’s nursing Age 0 – 18 Neonates Adolescents Community – health visitor – school nurse Child protection Macmillan services
8 Mental health nursing is … Caring for people with mental health problems in hospitals and in the community Helping clients to overcome ill health or to come to terms with their problems, so they can live their lives as normally as possible.
9 Mental health nursing Community Acute admissions Adolescents Child and family Elderly Addiction Forensic
10 Learning disability nursing is … Working with people who have intellectual impairments, to improve their quality of life and promote well-being Supporting people with learning disabilities to live a full life as equal participants in society
11 Learning disability nursing Improving quality of life Long term relationships Multi agency profession Children / adolescents / older clients Challenging behaviour Physical care
12 Adult nursing is ….. About caring for people of all ages with critical and acute health care needs and for those with longer-term and palliative care requirements Adult nurses assist with the restoration of health wherever possible and deliver high quality care to those with continuing health and social needs
13 Adult nursing Wide career path – many options Acute care Critical care Emergency care Specialist services Community
14 Nursing Autonomous profession Self- managers Decision-makers Leaders Caseload carriers
15 Nursing roles Modern matron Nurse prescriber Advanced clinical practitioners Managers/Team leaders
16 Nursing roles Practice nurses Accident and emergency Cancer care Intensive care Walk-in centres On-call
17 Successful applications Apply through UCAS Up to 5 universities Apply for ONE course
18 Nursing and midwifery programmes and beyond Nursing Degree – BN(Hons) – 3 yr Advanced Diploma – 3 yr (2011 only) BN4 – widening access (from 2011) Midwifery Degree – BMid (Hons) – 3 yr
19 Entry requirements: Midwifery Degree A levels – ABB, (320 points) - science not required if offered at GCSE level OR BTec – no fails in Year 1, Distinctions / Merits in Year 2 Advanced Diploma in Society, Health and Development CACHE diploma in Childcare – DDD Foundation degree in Health and Social Care Or other equivalents PLUS Level 2 Numeracy accepted in place of GCSE Maths)
20 Entry requirements: Nursing Degree A levels – BBC (280 points) - science not required if offered at GCSE level OR BTec – no fails in Year 1, Distinctions / Merits in Year 2 Advanced Diploma in Society, Health and Development Foundation degree in Health and Social Care Or other equivalents PLUS Level 2 Numeracy accepted in place of GCSE Maths)
21 Entry requirements: Nursing Diploma with Advanced Studies A levels – BC (180 points) - science not required if offered at GCSE level OR BTec – no fails in Year 1, Merits/Passes in Year 2 Advanced Diploma in Society, Health and Development Foundation degree in Health and Social Care Or other equivalents PLUS Level 2 Numeracy accepted in place of GCSE Maths)
22 Entry requirements: BN4 Nursing – widening access To be confirmed following validation
23 Work experience Not essential but useful to determine that you are choosing the right career Paid or voluntary Nursing homes Charities Local hospitals Special needs schools, day centres, respite centres
24 Personal statement Why do you want to be a nurse/midwife? What do you understand about the role? Tell us about your work experience Personal achievements? Personal interests? Remember – this is your chance to ‘sell’ yourself
25 Successful applications Good personal statement Educational reference – from school / college Work experience Good quality application form. Beware of spelling and/or grammar mistakes. REMEMBER – some courses are VERY competitive
26 Selection process Numeracy assessment Written assessment Group exercise Individual interview
27 Finance No tuition fees for UK students Means-tested bursary Additional benefits for dependents Up to 85% of childcare costs
28 Why choose the University of Southampton? Inter-professional learning Full time placements Advanced online resources Skills throughout
29 Why choose the University of Southampton? Research led university with standards recognised – nationally and internationally Student facilities with nightclub, cinema and sports centre all on campus Central location with good transport Extensive student culture in the city
30 What next? Consider all the options Gain some work experience in a care setting to confirm your career choice Will you be happy to study at the University of Southampton?
31 Further information sources School of health sciences prospectus NHS Careers book Come to an Open Day Talk to nurses, midwives, care related employers and workers Go to Open Days at local hospitals Call us on us on Visit our website