1 TSEC-Biosys: A whole systems approach to bioenergy demand and supply Prof. Peter Pearson Imperial College London The role of Biomass in UK energy futures The Royal Society, London: 28 July 2009
The TSEC-Biosys Project Part of TSEC – the Research Councils’ Towards a Sustainable Energy Economy Programme Funded through NERC ( ) Liaison – Dr Chris Baker A whole systems approach to bioenergy demand and supply – mobilising the long-term potential of UK bioenergy A multi-disciplinary team with strong bioenergy expertise Project coordination - ICEPT, Imperial College: Project Coordinator: Dr Ausilio Bauen, assisted by Dr Calliope Panoutsou PI: Prof. Peter Pearson Mentors: Prof. Tony Bridgwater, Aston University Dr Mike Carver, Carver Associates
Fifteen Consortium Partners Imperial College London Centre for Energy Policy and Technology – ICEPT (Coordinators) Centre for Process Systems Engineering – CPSE Biology Department Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management Forest Research Institute for European Environmental Policy North Energy Associates Oxford University Centre for the Environment Rothamsted Research University of Aberdeen Scottish Agricultural College University of Birmingham University of Glamorgan University of Southampton University of Surrey
Four Interconnected Work Packages & Themes 1: (Leader: Dr Ausilio Bauen)Dr Ausilio Bauen An integrated analysis of bioenergy demand and supply dynamics 2: (Leader: Prof. Gail Taylor)Prof. Gail Taylor Analysis of potential evolution and implications of UK biomass supply 3: (Leader: Prof Roland Clift)Prof Roland Clift Sustainability analysis of bioenergy supply chains for heat, power and transport. 4: (Leader: Dr Ausilio Bauen/Prof. Peter Pearson)Dr Ausilio BauenProf. Peter Pearson Total system performance and evolution.
TSEC-BIOSYS Project Structure
Main Achievements Developed a framework for whole systems analysis To address key cross-cutting research issues in bioenergy Carried out multi- & inter-disciplinary research, leading to: Construction/interrogation of credible scenarios Modelling tools with interfaces that enable data & analytical exchanges across research teams/disciplines Published key research results Trained/enhanced skills of next generation of researchers: Six PhD students UK & EU MSc student theses/publication Other UK & EU pre & post-doctoral researchers Engaged with key stakeholders & policy dialogues
TSEC BIOSYS has explored: Sectoral UK bioenergy demand Spatial distribution of energy crops in current/future climates Supply chain costs Environmental issues & impacts & stakeholder concerns Developed/enriched bioenergy/biofuels supply chains & data in UKERC’s MARKAL UK energy scenario modelling Reviewed & mapped the policy landscape Developed narratives of the sector's evolution & prospects Developed research relationships with UK & international bioenergy research consortia: SUPERGEN Bioenergy, RELU Biomass the UKERC bioenergy roadmap
Key Issues Addressed How much biomass do we have? How are the resources, costs & demand distributed? What are the major sustainability impacts & how do they constrain supply? Where can we use the available biomass? How can policy influence future uptake?
Purposes of Today’s Meeting Present and discuss key research findings, high-level messages & tools Today we aim to omit the detail of research ‘caveats’/sensitivities – those are for tomorrow Receive critical feedback from key stakeholders We welcome your thoughts on key questions & issues
Today’s Sessions Welcome. The TSEC BIOSYS project Prof Peter Pearson, Imperial College London Biomass in a challenging future: A UK perspective Dr Mike Carver, Carver Associates The UK’s energy crop potential in current and future climates Prof Gail Taylor, University of Southampton The role of biomass in the UK energy system Dr Ausilio Bauen, Imperial College London – 15.45The environmental sustainability of UK and imported biomass Dr Richard Murphy, Imperial College London The role of stakeholders in shaping the future bioeconomy Prof Roland Clift, University of Surrey Panel discussion: SUPERGEN Bioenergy, RELU Biomass, UKERC, TSEC BIOSYS Prof. Tony Bridgwater, Aston University Dr Angela Karp, Rothamsted Research Prof Jim Skea, UKERC Prof Peter Pearson, Imperial College London Dr Ausilio Bauen, Imperial College London Prof Gail Taylor, University of Southampton Prof Roland Clift, University of Surrey Dr Richard Murphy, Imperial College London Dr Angela Duignan, Forestry Commission – 19.30Cocktail reception
Tomorrow’s Session You are welcome to return for tomorrows more detailed presentations and discussion
Biomass in a challenging future: A UK perspective Dr Mike Carver, Carver Associates TSEC Biosys Mentor Has worked in the agriculture sector for 30+ years Chaired a biomass company for 5 years Major consultancy appointments – Biomass: Consultant to BICAL – Food production: Agricultural Adviser, Warburtons Knows both sides of the fuel vs. food debate
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