The Southampton Learning Environment: CETIS Hugh Davis Nov 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

The Southampton Learning Environment: CETIS Hugh Davis Nov 2010

What is the SLE? SLE – Southampton Learning Environment looking to enhance the student and staff experience around learning and living at UoS Closely aligned with the Southampton Research Environment (SRE) and the Southampton Business Environment (SBE) 2

Top Level goals make it possible to undertake every aspect of living learning teaching support a wide range of pedagogical approaches a single place where you can go for tools communication collaboration information resources act as a vehicle for reviewing and aligning our processes across the University provide much more flexible systems single login to all university tools and repositories 3 appropriate to your role in the university online

Why are we doing this? 4 To improve student experience Students expect to be able to be able to do things on-line, and find all the information they need on-line To improve staff experience The current systems are limiting, hard to use and inflexible. To make our graduates’ more employable Employers expect their staff to participate, work and collaborate in globally distributed organisations To introduce efficiencies in terms of standardising administrative processes associated with education To enable us to scale up our numbers at little extra cost by enabling alternative delivery mechanisms Remotely supported learning Blended learning Distance learning To alleviate our teaching space problem One of the solutions to this is to consider alternative delivery mechanisms

A technical view 5

Tools, Services and Data 6 E-Assignment EdShare Blackboard (or other VLE?) Question Mark Perception HR Records Lecture Capture and Replay Fees Payment/records Room BookingsTimetable Student Records On-line Journals Open Educational Resources E-Books Library Catalogue Podcasting The SRN Student Handbook Module selectionCourse Announcements Uni/SUSU announcements External RSS Feeds Podcasts On-line forms Programme/Module Catalogue WIFISTORAGE COLLABORATION SPACE INTRANET EXTRANET Forums Wikis Presence Video Conferencing Chat PROFILES CLASSROOMS PUBLIC WORKSTATIONS INTERNAL SOFTWARE TurnItIn GoogleDocs Delicious Internal RSS Feeds Communication tools Internal Services Institutional data Infrastructure Cloud services Push Resources DropBox Search SEARCH

A Rich Learning Environment 7

The SLE There are underlying implications for Technical infrastructure (WiFi, Storage) Identity Management Open Data How we design courses How we support curriculum design 8

9 Agile Development: A new approach for majority of UoS Rapid and responsive Collaborative and challenging Enables progressive skill and output evolution and improvement over time Requirements must be agreed up front, delivered, then move on Needs focus on quality assurance and sign off of stages Potentially provides quick wins in basic form The SLE Programme will be adopting these approaches wherever possible such that early benefits can be achieved for end users and tool interface and interconnectivity can be developed.

10 SLE Proof of Concepts (PoC): potential quick wins We will be making 4 week “sprints” to produce prototypes of SUSSED replacement Blackboard replacement/upgrade? And others – e.g. The Student Dashboard

Our First PoC SUSSED 2.0 (replaces our aging Portal) Will provide –A launch page to tools –A gateway to resources –A profile page for the user –Status information An excellent smart search function is highest priority Will allow the installation of widgets from an “appstore” Personalised and Personalisable Shared Workspaces 11


Some Applications we are leading on Let me personalise my personal timetable Let me select my options (fully informed) Let me book an un-used classroom near me for a SEG group meeting Tell me what bus I need to get from home to get to my next lecture in time Remind me of the name of my tutee who is standing in front of me now, and let me know their current progress.

First POC already conducted by SRE team Intranet for typical research activities –Applying for a grant –Setting up a grant team –Pursuing research –Managing a grant –Disseminating research –Updating an Academic CV 14

Comments on Subversion This is all really about making our university think about –The sort of educational experience they wish to offer –The processes they need to support (e.g. assessment and feedback) –Ensuring equality of provision –Digital literacies and employability –Coping with the climate 15