Brain mobility: an added value in your career planning Peter Marynen, Vice-president for Research 27 March 2013
Brain Mobility 1. KU Leuven international 2. Young researchers at KU Leuven 3. Brain mobility & ‘competence profile’ 4. YouReCa
1. KU Leuven: diverse & international TotalNon-Belgian diploma Students ( ) (16%) … from France ( ) 105 PhD students ( ) (39%) PhD diploma’s ( ) (37%) Postdocs ( ) (37%)
1. KU Leuven publications: European ranking Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
1. KU Leuven in FP7 Number of contracts in the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
1. KU Leuven in the European Research Council
2. ‘Incoming’ mobility
2. ‘Outgoing’ mobility JuMo mobility allowances (6 months – 12 months): 32 awarded in 2012 FWO travel grants (5 weeks – 12 months): 47 awarded in 2011 (of which 32 for stays >6 months) Other opportunities: Marie Curie Actions, country- or discipline- specific fellowships, …
3. Career paths Public sector Enterprise Academic professorship (ZAP) Academic 9% of PhD graduates Non- academic 91% of PhD graduates NGO Source: VRWB 34% 66% 18% Post- doc Academic career PhD Non- academic career 82% Permanent research staff (BAP)
Leadership & change management Intellectual skills Self management skills Academic and technical skills Relational skills 3. Brain mobility & competence profile
Leadership & change management International Focus Intellectual skills Interdisciplinary thinking/ broadmindedness Academic and technical skills Methodological skills Language skills Relational skills Diplomatic skills Networking Self management skills Autonomy Planning, organising and prioritising 3. Brain mobility & competence profile
4. YouReCa YouReCa (“Young Researchers’ Careers”) aims at improving and widening the career perspectives of KU Leuven’s young researchers. To this end, YouReCa will organize a broad range of activities for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors that are related to: Career development and the improvement of career prospects Strengthening the international orientation of researchers’ careers Training and education
4. YouReCa – Career development YouReCa will establish a Career Centre for young researchers a Junior Researchers Mobility Programma ‘JUMO’ As more than 90% of PhD graduates will pursue a career outside of academia, focus will be on the transition to the non-academic job market. Youreca will provide general and personalized career guidance.
… the university Fresh blood Fresh insights in sciences Complementary expertises International network … the researcher Independence Exploring new research domains, technologies and cultures Enlarging your network 4. YouReCa – International mobility
4. YouReCa - JuMo JuMo (Junior Researcher Mobility programme) A financing programme intended to stimulate the international or intersectorial mobility of young KU Leuven researchers. Financial support for research stays (6 to 12 months) outside Belgium in a high-quality environment. o A monthly mobility allowance on top of the researcher’s own scholarship or salary. o Reimbursement of travel expenses Next deadline: 22 August 2013
Thank you ! Our coordinates (for your postcards or further information): Reserach Coordination Office Schapenstraat 34, 3000 Leuven, Tel: 016/