Prof. Martin Severs (Chair) Derek Ward and Julie Udell (Facilitators) University of Portsmouth Ageing Network (UPAN)
Capacity and Capability Knowledge – Schools and Departments across UoP Skills - Interactive teaching and learning, engagement work, applying for research funding Attributes – Enthusiastic, public facing, business- minded, imaginative Availability - To promote and participate in ageing activities generated through UPAN
Capacity and Capability Internal Self referrals Associate Deans of Research Staff group – i.e. Lifelong Health and Well-being Recommendations External Community groups NHS City Council Charitable Organisations Private Companies Other Universities Individual members of the public
Contact Management Community outreach – public talks, student projects, volunteering Education - teaching and learning on age-related issues, public involvement in teaching and learning, gaining experience of working with older people Research - Forging links for collaborative partnerships, identifying funding sources (with RIS), obtaining ‘letters of support’, promoting public involvement, facilitating with proposals Knowledge transfer Contact management is the activity to make the most effective use of all contacts within UPAN to benefit the University and its associated community
Some current examples …
Working with the Alzheimer’s Society Masters of Research (MRes) projects Carers of people with dementia – Access to Information Evaluating the Kitbags and Berets groups Evaluation project Creative Arts – Singing, Music and Drama groups
Dementia Care Pathway Review What is the experience of people with dementia, and their carers, of the current pathway? What works well? What could be better (and how)? Collaborative review: University of East London University of Portsmouth Healthwatch Portsmouth Backed by the Integrated Commissioning Group
Portsmouth Forum for Older Peoples Groups A new forum established for groups that support older people (generally 60+) across Portsmouth participant-led supported by Community Action in Portsmouth Aims: Provide opportunities for networking and sharing information Be an expert reference group Highlight gaps in provision and maximise resources Influence statutory organisations and other agencies Cascade information to small voluntary groups
Workshops Wessex Renal and Transplant Unit Workshop Research strategy (CKD in older people) Associate Department of SHSSW Networking ‘Clinic Day’ Care Home Workshop Understanding the issues affecting Nursing and Care Homes and their residents Identifying how UPAN’s expertise and resources could be accessed and utilised by those involved in this area of care to help meet their needs Links and collaboration with academics within the University, local organisations, hospitals, and charities
And also … Building networks, including : Southampton Uni Ageing & Health Network Patient and Public Involvement South Network DeNDRoN (Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network) Portsmouth Dementia Network Portsmouth Hospitals and GP Clusters PCC/Integrated Commissioning Unit PhD Researcher Network Facilitating research, including: Solent NHS Psychology/Talking Changes Older Persons Access PCC – Community Researchers project Health and Safety Laboratory - ‘Falls toolkit’ for Dementia care wards Psychology research linked with PPI - U3A, PPA and ENGAGE
Communications A range of outputs to keep the UPAN community informed about what we are doing and how we are doing (hopefully in a fun way) through: Website – Meetings Presentations Newsletters Student project ideas Twitter
UPAN Facilitators Derek Ward and Julie Udell Please contact us: or or Capacity and Capability Communications Contact Management