SOUTHERN AFRICAN LARGE TELESCOPE Outreach Statistics People ( learners and teachers and members of the public reached in 2013/ 14 Learners : Teachers : Public : New Resources created : 11 ( Curriculum based CDs for teachers, 4 new exhibits for public exhibitions, dark sky kit, infra red astronomy kit) Total people reached for 2013/14 financial year :
SOUTHERN AFRICAN LARGE TELESCOPE Highlights 2013/14 SAAO/SALT exhibition rated Third Best exhibition at National Science Festival Training of 1945 teachers in the teaching of astronomy in the curriculum SALT CBP acknowledged by Science and Technology Parliamentary Portfolio Committee ( hosted in April) Robotic Telescope Programme ( Los Cumbres Telescope) National Astronomy Quiz online and also Afrikaans Translations Incorporation of astronomy software in the teaching of science at schools African Cultural Astronomy Resources ( Stellarium and World Wide Telescope tours based on African culture) Conclusion of Universe Awareness Programme ( UNAWE) Resources, Kit and exhibition Development ( 11 new resources)
SOUTHERN AFRICAN LARGE TELESCOPE Successes with SALT partners A wonderful and successful visit by University of Gottingen physics students led by Stefano : School visits in Cape Town and in Sutherland. Programmes for the youth in the community Development Centre in Sutherland SCBP is proud to have initiated the donation of the Planetarium programmes ( Cosmic Collisions, Passport to the Universe, The Search for life) to the new Naval Planetarium in Bloemfontein. Thanks to AMNH and Dr Mike Shara. Thanks to University of Central Lancashire, University of Southampton, Dartmouth College for their continued support for SALT Stobie Scholarship ( No applicants were received)
SOUTHERN AFRICAN LARGE TELESCOPE Future Programmes and suggestions University of Dartmouth students visit led by Prof Brian Chaboyer to South Africa for 10 weeks. They intend to run outreach programmes SCBP recently purchased a digital inflatable planetarium : what are the possibilities of obtaining shows from University of Southampton Astronomy outreach team? The Astronomy Camp with University of Wisconsin for Sutherland learners …is it still in the pipeline University of Gottigen : Time and Use of MONET ( North by high schools students of South Africa; how do we obtain that time?) What are the possibilities post graduate of training ( Masters and PhDs) in science education for South African teachers. University of Rutgers, North Carolina and Wisconsin seem to have great science education programmes. It would be interesting to have post graduate social science ( Masters and PhD coming to do research on impact of SALT on the community of Sutherland