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HOME ContactsMailWeather iPodPhotosNews What’s the Play? What’s the Play? What’s The Play? Where’s my Portrait? Where’s my Portrait? Where’s my Portrait ? ? Shake- speare Quiz
CONTACTS Henry Wriothesly Earl of Southampton mobile home2 nd elm street, Europe groupEarl of Southampton notesWilliam Shakespeare dedicated his first and second poems to him. RELATED CONTACTS: Anne HatchawaySusanna Shakepeare
MAIL Send Message From: To: New Home TIMESTAMP Dear Anne, My career is as successful as ever. I am making a lot of money and I have enough to buy the second largest house in Stratford. It is known as the New House, you may have heard of it. With me mak8ing as much money as I am, we’ll be able to pay for the house easily and have extra money afterwards. sadly though, I will not be able to see you and the kids for a few days for the trip is four days by horse. However, you will love the new house and it’s size. Although I love and miss you and the kids all the time, I will be spending most of my time in the city writing and acting so I am near the theater. Thankfully though, the theaters will be closed on the 40 day Lenten season, so I will come home once a year then to spend time with you and the kids. My business partners and I are thinking about building our own theater. Were are planning on building it on the south bank of the Thames River. We’ve all agreed to name this theater the Globe. This theater will be ours, and it will make us very rich. I’m sorry but I must go, I have to finish the play I’ve been writing. I’ll send you pictures of it as soon as it is complete. With Love, Will Shakespeare William Shakespeare Anne Hatchaway
WEATHER Broadford England 56°F Stratford-Upon-Avon England Sunny 64°F Stratford-Upon-Avon England Mostly Sunny 63°F Stratford-Upon-Avon England Partly Cloudy 64°F
iPOD ALBUM COVER William Shakespeare When Daisy’s Pied Songs From the Plays
NEWS The NMS Bulletin September 20, 1592 Shakespeare Becomes The Best? STORY William Shakespeare has become a very famous actor and playwright. Criticism from Robert Greene show that William Shakespeare is becoming a more superior playwright than Greene himself. “...There is an upstart Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tiger's heart wrapped in a Player's hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you: and being an absolute Johannes factotum, is in his own conceit the only Shake-scene in a country,” Greene wrote about Shakespeare. Could Shakespeare become the best playwright and actor? Many wonder if this is true no one knows for certain yet.
APP 7 Which is William’s Shakespeare’s Play?
APP 7 Which is William’s Shakespeare’s Play? Correct!
APP 7 Which is William’s Shakespeare’s Play? Wrong! Click “Try again!” Try Again!
APP 8 Can you help find William’s Portrait? Please Help!!
APP 8 You Found William Shakespeare’s Portrait! Thank you!!
When Did William Shakespeare Write His First Play? March 3rd 1593 April 1 st 1600 January 18 th 1583 May 5 th 1609
Correct! March 3 rd 1593
Incorrect! Try Again