Slavery: Linchpin of the 19 th Century American Secession Crisis *How could a legal (Constitutionally protected) institution lead to the demise of hundreds.


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Presentation transcript:

Slavery: Linchpin of the 19 th Century American Secession Crisis *How could a legal (Constitutionally protected) institution lead to the demise of hundreds of thousands of people and threaten to destroy the United States in less than 90 years after its inception?

How did the institution of slavery entrench itself so deeply into the American experience? The climate of the southern coastal lowlands contributed to the development of an agrarian society in which large plantations flourished. The operation of the plantation required cheap labor. Initially, immigrants from England, Scotland and Ireland came to the New World as indentured servants, agreeing to work for a period of time in exchange for their passage. Eventually, the demand for cheap labor grew to the point that the enslavement of Africans proved to be the most viable and controversial solution. Thus the slavery question permeated the fabric of American culture for nearly 150 years.

“Square peg in a round hole”: The struggle to keep slavery and and still not tear the fabric of union ( )…what is the Solution?

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

Institutionalized Exploitation: How the system impinged on life, liberty and happiness…

Cumberland Landing: New Kent, Virginia

Henry “box” Brown

The Unrelenting Pressure of the Abolition Movement: William Lloyd Garrison Publishes The Liberator in 1851

Fredrick Douglass

Harriet Beecher Stowe Publishes Uncle Tom’s Cabin In 1852

Abraham Lincoln Signs the Emancipation Proclamation On Jan. 1, 1863

Violent Resistance: Gabriel Prosser: Led a failed slave revolt in Richmond, Virginia in 1800

Nat Turner Rebellion Southampton County, Virginia 1831

Lighting Rod of Secession: John Brown and his attempted slave Insurrection: 1859

The Legacy of Slavery: For the next 150 years of American History it would foster attitudes of…




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