good practice & innovation Responses to the UK Government Agenda EUNIS Workshop March 2010 Stuart Bolton Frederique Van Till March 2010
good practice & innovation Research Funders in the UK H.E.I.H.E.I. National FC Research FC Non Gov.
good practice & innovation Government Drivers for Change in Research Management General trend towards greater transparency, accountability and a need for cost saving Manifests itself in two ways for Research Management: Research Excellence Framework Shared Services/Flexible Delivery Agenda Relying of HEFCE and other funding councils to take the agenda forward
good practice & innovation The Research Excellence Framework (REF) Being driven by HEFCE Replaces a series of Research Assessment Exercises (RAE) which ran 1992 – 2008 Aimed to inform funding of research by national funding councils Used in a number of bench marking metrics (league tables), REF final specification imminent Intended to actively encourage a wider range of research outputs More coherent than RAE
good practice & innovation The REF (cont.) Originally intended to be more automated than the RAE and envisaged a role for Bibliometrics Ran a pilot summer and autumn of 2008 Role now more restricted Still a large element of peer review (subject panels) Shorter and more regular period than RAE
good practice & innovation Research Management & Administration System (RMAS) HEFCE funded project in response to government’s drivers Run at Exeter University ( An attempt to build a coherent, transferable specification for a complete Research Management System. Supports REF and the Shared Service agenda.
good practice & innovation Research Funding Councils’ Initiatives Joint Electronic Submission Service (JE-S) Fully operational Common gateway to RFCs for institutions making funding proposal Research Outcomes project (formally known as OOCS) Ongoing Mechanism for monitoring Research Outputs associated with a specific grant for up to five years Supports both the Shared Service and transparency agendas
good practice & innovation JISC Initiatives JISC infoNet ‘Shared Services/Flexible Delivery’ infokit JISC infoNet ‘ICT Implications of the Research Excellence Framework (REF)’ infokit ‘Readiness for REF’ (R4R) project ‘Exchanging Research Information in the UK’ project (EXRI-UK) ‘Research Information Management’ (RIM) Project
good practice & innovation ICT Implications of the REF Based on the HEFCE bibliometrics pilot Assessed the ICT needs specifically for the REF Online survey of all pilot institutions and a series of case studies. Concluded that Publications DB or Institutional Repository needed, but ….
good practice & innovation EXRI-UK Project Finished end of 2009 Tasked to investigate whether there is a need for a common format for the exchange of UK research information and if so recommend what the standard should be. Final report now published Based on scenarios of who needs information, what information they need and when they need it. Key recommendation that the UK adopt CERIF 2008 as a common exchange format.
good practice & innovation R4R Project Ongoing Led by King’s College London and Southampton University s/inf11/sue2/r4r.aspxhttp:// s/inf11/sue2/r4r.aspx Looking to streamline information gathering for REF Assessing match between CERIF standard and REF requirements (CERIF4REF)
good practice & innovation RIM Project Ongoing Looking at the wider question of Research Information Management Similar in structure to ‘ICT requirements’ project Online survey to establish: Current status of institutions Plans Awareness of initiatives (REF, ROP, EXRI etc) Concerned with business cases for development projects as well as technologies being developed and/or deployed Looking at RIM strategy development and governance
good practice & innovation RIM Survey Findings Very few end-to-end RIM systems Very large majority of institutions have Publication DBs or IRs or both Integration between RIM systems is weak Uptake of CERIF is currently low and principally located in IRs but increasing Seventy percent of institutions are planning to develop their RIM systems in the current budgetary year.
good practice & innovation Drivers for Change
good practice & innovation The three initiatives that institutions are most aware of JE-S ROP RMAS
good practice & innovation Three Strongest Strategic Drivers Improved Service to End Uses Implications of the REF Efficiency Gains to Increase Capacity
good practice & innovation Resources Researchoutcomes/default.htmhttp:// Researchoutcomes/default.htm s/inf11/sue2/r4r.aspxhttp:// s/inf11/sue2/r4r.aspx