Supporting further and higher education Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions eSPIDA event University of Glasgow 11 February.


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting further and higher education Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions eSPIDA event University of Glasgow 11 February 2005 Leona Carpenter, JISC Programme Manager

Supporting further and higher education Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Works with further & higher education –providing strategic guidance, advice and opportunities to use ICT –to support teaching, learning, research & administration Operates through committees –Members from FE/HE community –Supported by an executive

Supporting further and higher education e-Learning e-Research e-Administration e-Resources Information Environment Middleware Network Outreach & Embedding Committees & Consultation Services Development Programmes

Supporting further and higher education Some Development Programmes Research Environment Working with the UK Research Councils to address the needs of researchers Digital Repositories Helping the learning and research community move forward with issues involved in setting up and using them Digital Preservation Ensuring the long term integrity and accessibility of resources

Supporting further and higher education Digital Preservation … and Records Management Studies –eScience Curation Report –Technical Appraisal of LOCKSS Digital Curation Centre Supports Digital Preservation Coalition Digital preservation in institutions

Supporting further and higher education Digital preservation in institutions Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions –Initiatives to provide practical support –Ensure future access to digital information 11 projects funded, at 19 institutions –HE & FE –archives –other bodies

Supporting further and higher education Three themes for development 1. Institutional Management Support –Six projects 2. Digital Preservation Assessment Tools –One project 3. Institutional Repository Development –Three projects … and one cross-theme project (themes 1 and 3)

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Management Support eSPIDA –To develop and implement a sustainable business focussed model for digital preservation, as part of a knowledge management agenda in higher education institutions Lifecycle Information for E-Literature –To explore and develop a life cycle approach to costing digital archiving for e- journals

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Management Support Managing Digital Assets in Tertiary Education (MANDATE) –To develop a toolkit for digital asset management & preservation of curriculum- related administrative & e-learning material –December 2004 – November 2005 –John Wheatley College with the Centre for Digital Library Research and the Scottish Library and Information Council

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Management Support Managing Risk – a model business strategy for corporate digital assets –To provide a case study addressing the need for a digital asset strategy which combines academic & learning resources with corporate information –October 2004 – May 2005 –Kings College London

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Management Support METS Awareness Training –To raise awareness of METS to assess its usefulness in institutions own digital object management then pursue further training as required –October 2004 – September 2006 –Oxford University Library Services

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Management Support Digital Preservation Training Programme –To develop a modular training programme – class-taught, online & off-line –October 2004 – September 2006 –University of London Computer Centre with the British Library (plus backing of the Digital Preservation Coalition and the Digital Curation Centre)

Supporting further and higher education Digital Preservation Assessment Tools Digital Asset Assessment Tool (DAAT) –To develop a tool to assess preservation needs of digital holdings –October 2004 – September 2006 –University of London Computer Centre with the Arts and Humanities Data Service, National Preservation Office, The National Archives, British Library, Kings College London, School of Advanced Study of the University of London, Digital Preservation Coalition

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Repository Development Assessment of UK Data Archive and The National Archives compliance with OAIS and METS –To map their systems and metadata to Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard –November 2004 – March 2005 –UK Data Archive at the University of Essex with The National Archives

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Repository Development Preservation Eprint Services (PRESERV) –To implement an ingest service, based on the OAIS digital preservation reference model, for archives built using software –October 2004 – September 2006 –University of Southampton, with The National Archives, The British Library, and Oxford University

Supporting further and higher education Institutional Repository Development SHERPA Digital Preservation: Creating a persistent environment for institutional repositories –To create a collaborative preservation environment for the SHERPA institutional repositories project –March 2005 – February 2007 –Arts and Humanities Data Service with the University of Nottingham; Consortium of University Research Libraries also support

Supporting further and higher education Cross-theme project Digital Archival Exemplars for Private Papers –Themes 1 and 3; Jan 2005 – Dec 2006 –To provide a best-practice template for establishing long-term access to private papers in digital form papers of contemporary politicians one Labour, one Conservative – at least –Oxford University with University of Manchester

Supporting further and higher education Further information … on digital preservation activities supported by JISC is on our Web site at: or contact me: