Straight and curved: Recent developments with Tensairity® Rolf H. Luchsinger Center for Synergetic Structures EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research Überlandstrasse 129, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Introduction Tensairity telescope enclosure, 12m, Tenerife, Spain, 2008, Airlight Ltd
Introduction Tensairity roof 38 m, National Tennis Center, London, 2010, Airlight Ltd
Straight I: Tensairity column 5 m span, 16 kg mass, 11 kN max load p = 150 mbar Plagianakos TS, Teutsch U, Crettol R & Luchsinger RH. Static response of a spindle-shaped Tensairity column to axial compression. Engineering Structures 31, 1822-1831 (2009)
Straight I: Tensairity column plain spindle web spindle Stiffness: +100 % , Buckling load: +40% Wever TE, Plagianakos TS, Luchsinger RH, Marti P. Effect of fabric webs on the static response of spindle-shaped Tensairity columns. Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE 136(4), 410-418, (2010).
? Straight II: Tensairity beam - Basic principles H Tension/compression elements: Air pressure: (~ 50-300 mbar) Fabric: (~10 kN/m) ? (Experiments, FEM) Deflection:
Straight II: Tensairity beam Compact transport, fast set up, light weight
Straight II: Tensairity beam High load bearing capacity
k = ? Tensairity beam: Analytical model Beam on elastic foundation with compressive forces k = ?
Tensairity beam: Analytical model Two coupled ODE´s
Tensairity beam: Analytical model BC: Determination of H
Tensairity beam: Analytical model q=1 kN/m, q=1 kN/m, Approximation (slenderness)
Tensairity beam: Analytical model
Straight III: Tensairity “madraz”
Straight III: Tensairity “madraz”
Straight III: Tensairity “madraz” web - Tensairity Dimension: 3 x 0.5 x 0.25 m Weight: 6.1 kg (3.7 kg metal + 2.4 kg hull) = 4 kg/m2 Load: 3.6 kN, 2.4 kN/m2, L/D = 60 Deflection: 23 mm, L/128
Straight III: Tensairity “madraz” p = 150 mbar Beam theory:
Straight IV: Foldable Tensairity De Laet L, Luchsinger RH, Crettol R, Mollaert M, De Temmermann N. Deployable Tensairity Structures. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 50 (2), 121-128 (2009)
Curved I: Tensairity arch ABAQUS/Explicit
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch
Curved I: Tensairity arch 10 m span, 90 kg mass, 3.5 ton max load HP Gasser AG
Curved II: Tensairity kite 8 m span, 11m2 area, 3 kg mass, 1 kN max load Breuer JMC, Luchsinger RH, “Inflatable kites using the concept of Tensairity”. Aerospace Science and Technology. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2010.04.009 (2010)
Curved and Straight: Tensairity actuator Luchsinger RH, Bräker M. A novel pneumatic actuator with Tensairity. In: Brebbia CA (ed.), Design & Nature V, 365-374, WIT Press, Southampton (2010)
Conclusion Recently major steps in the R&D of Tensairity have been done Close interaction between models, experiments, FEM and analysis Dedicated team