M&E of Programs and the Data Infrastructure: GIS as the Rosetta Stone John Spencer MEASURE Evaluation
MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through Cooperative Agreement GPO-A and is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina in partnership with Constella Futures International, John Snow, Inc., ORC Macro International, and Tulane University. Visit us online at
Value of Mapping Provides insight into data Provides a way to link different data Strengthens data infrastructure by enforcing data schema standards Picture worth 1,000 words
World in Layers
Value of Geography Maps can be Decision support tools Analysis tools Data display tools More than just mapping
Data Infrastructure Available data Systems to support, update and disseminate data
GIS as Rosetta Stone GIS can be a “Rosetta Stone” to link different data sets Produces maps showing linkages that may not have been made before STRONGER DATA
Geography is key link Population DistrictPopulation North3253 South5621 East8732 West7715 OVC DistrictPopulation North812 South1011 East2709 West1411
Geography is key link Population and OVC DistrictPopulationOVC North South East West
Geography is key link Seems obvious Data needs to have a geographic identifier Data must have complimentary structure Don’t necessarily need a GIS – can be done in Access or Excel
Geographic Identifiers S E S E
Geographic Identifiers Administrative units Districts Province Ward Etc. Village or community name
One Tool In the Toolbox
Key Steps Implementing GIS Include Geographic Identifier in Data Where are things? Software ArcGIS Google Earth
Summary Adding the “where” can help understand the “why” Geography can act as a “Rosetta Stone” to link different elements of the data infrastructure GIS/mapping can strengthen data quality by enforcing data schema standards
MAPPING FOR THE REST OF US Excel and Google Earth
Mapping Challenges Data Must be well formed and have a geographic identifier Software
Three shelves of ESRI Manuals and third party materials
Excel to Google Earth Macro MEASURE Evaluation developed tool that allows Excel data to be mapped in Google Earth
Target Audience Decision makers Data and M&E staff Anyone with Excel data they’d like to map
Not a GIS Data display tool only Doesn’t do spatial analysis Buffering, density estimation, spatial stats, etc. Can’t manage layers Its niche is: a quick, easy to use tool
Advantages over a GIS Permits quick mapping of data Excel is widely used Google Earth is free
Disadvantages of macro Requires internet access Google Earth lacks cartographic “niceties” Data needs to be structured in the form that the macro expects (Could be an advantage)
Plans Available on request now ( “Early Beta” Soliciting feedback and response Improvements in Year 1 of Phase III