Winston Churchill Taylor Shotkoski WHistory Honors 6
1874 Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill is born at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire on November 30 th.
1888 Winston Churchill enters Harrow School
1893 He was enrolled in the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.
1895 Churchill was commissioned into the 4 th Hussars and while he was on leave he visits Cuba and comes under fire for the first time.
1896 Then a year later he was a cavalry officer and posted to India.
1898 Churchill participates in a regimental cavalry charge with the 21 st Lancers in the Sudan.
1899 ~He was on a break from the army and he failed to be elected to parliament. ~Then he travels as a journalist to the Boer War and there he was captured, but escapes. Then was commissioned into the South African Light Horse.
1900 When he returned to England then he was elected to parliament as a conservative MP.
1908 He becomes the President of the Board of Trade and he then marries the love of his life Clementine Hozier.
1910 Winston becomes Home Secretary
1915 Winston resigns from the Cabinet and rejoins the army after the disaster of the Dardenelles.
1919 Winston is the Secretary of State for War and Air.
1921, 1922, and 1939 ~1921~Is Colonial Secretary ~1922~He loses his seat as MP for Dundee in the general election ~1939~Winston is back as First Lord of the Admiralty and also Britain declare war on Germany
1940 Becomes Prime Minister He then is the leader of the country during the dark days of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, and the Blitz.
1946 Churchill gives his “Iron Curtain” speech in Missouri
1951 Winston Churchill is Prime Minister again
1953 Churchill wins the Nobel Prize for Literature
1955 He resigns as Prime Minister.
1964 Churchill leaves the House of Commons
1965 On January 24 th ~Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill dies in London
~ The End ~