Nobody Helping The Frog Pond By: Devin And Spencer
What We Did Together We made a small pond for frogs. We called it a frog habitat. We made it in Spencer’s backyard. Spencer has seen frogs swimming in it.
Nobody Nobody was waiting at school for us. He was very excited to come home.
Nobody & Spencer The start of the journey home. We took a ride on Spencer’s bike.
Starting Off We were both excited to get nobody It was a hard choice to find clothes We added a frog visor
Making the Frog Pond First steps in making Frog Pond Digging the hole and adding the plastic liner to hold the water
Final Step In the Frog Pond We added water to the Fong Pond to attract the bugs and the Frogs.
Another Hat Keeping his head warm on a cool fall day.
The New Hat Nobody was very happy with his new Frog visor.
Time to Relax Nobody relaxes in the kitchen He was happy to show us his Rotary pin.
Having Fun With Nobody Nobody likes having fun We had a Mexican evening at Las Devin Place.