Presentation by Anne Jakins (SEN Co-ordinator) Nick Falk (ICT Co-ordinator)
Key Elements Building an effective eTwinning relationship between schools and participating teachers Communication tools for eTwinning Educational benefits of eTwinning Examples
Getting Started – Building a relationship
Accessing eTwinning portal to find partner Use of s to establish suitability Booking eTwinning chat facility to plan projects Setting up ICT tools for effective communication Wall display to involve whole school/department KEY
Communication Tools for eTwinning
Teacher to teacher My eTwinning Desktop Tools Skype Building the relationship Student to student Forums
Project tools Forums Photo stories Video diaries Audacity Producer Webcasts Online newspaper
Educational Benefits of eTwinning
Aims Building up new competences and new approaches to learning methodologies through the use of digital multimedia applications Increasing the students’ responsibilities, motivation and self esteem develop peer learning Provide a ‘blended learning’ experience
Objectives To enhance cultural awareness To improve all aspects of literacy with particular emphasis on writing for a specific audience To encourage the use of simple digital multimedia applications by partnership students
Outcomes – students Students with raised self-esteem Increased motivation Students able to write for a specific purpose Students able to analyse their use of language through writing for a specific audience eTwinning targets embedded in IEPs More accurate perceptions of another country – broadened attitudes
Outcomes - teachers Improved ICT skills in both participating schools – teachers and students Continuing professional development for teachers Exchange of expertise and good practice Raise the profile of both schools Sharing good practice
SEN/ICT Project – Online Newspaper Click the image to see the results
SEN/ICT Project – Online Newspaper Learning objectives Reading for information – using research skills on a variety of topics. Sport, Fashion, Politics, Local news Differentiating more complex text into simple sentences to convey information and meaning. Selection and upload of photographic images to enhance news articles.
Raising self-esteem through team work, positive feedback, success and achievement. SEN/ICT Project – Online Newspaper Learning objectives Peer learning – creating the opportunity for students to improve each others vocabulary, use of literacy and cultural and political awareness.
Making a Potato Trap – an environmental comparison Learning objectives ICT Using a digital camera to record the stages in an experiment. Process and upload images as a photo story for partner students. Science Living thing in the environment Environmental comparison
Bear exchange – part of a blended learning experience Click the image for a photo story
Taking a Walk in Spring Students explore the footpaths on the map finding the hotspots on the way habitat environment language geography
Ideas links Sharing environments Sharing myths The Virtual School Conference
Experimental data and experiment exchanges
Partnership with Finland Kumpula School – SEN facility on site of mainstream school Rural area one hour out of Helsinki Students have independent use of English Both schools have set up forums – this displays projects and monitors use of English
First Projects ‘Through our window’ – cultural awareness and environmental project ‘Spring’ – geographical and science comparison ‘The Bear Exchange’ – Spencer visits Porvoo and sends back holiday photos and the diary of his trip
E Twinning with Finland Partnership
Spencer’s Adventures in Finland
Cross Curricular Projects A walk to remember- environmental project Celebration and commemoration – RE Interactive story writing – English The potato trap – science – mini beasts Fashion show – Art/Technology Traditional food – exchange of recipes – producing a recipe book – Technology
Future possibilities - communication Mp3 exchange School internet radio Digital video – using webcams Internet newspaper
E Twinning with Italy Partnership
A d d i n g a u d i o i n t e r e s t