The Collaboration Imperative – Lessons Learned & Next Steps April 29, 2011 AMICAL Conference Beirut, Lebanon Gene SpencerSabrina Pape Gene Spencer ConsultingVassar College
Copyright Copyright Gene Spencer and Sabrina Pape, This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.
Note: This PowerPoint file includes the information that was presented at the capstone discussion on Friday morning. It also includes the flipcharts developed during the workshop discussions and the slides that Sabrina and Gene presented on Friday. Annotations of the various flipcharts have been added to clarify the discussion.
We Urged You to See Things… Do you remember how?
Our Vision of our Mission/Role… See our Mission/Role through an institutional lens.
Our Vision for Our Services… See Our Services through their eyes.
Our Historical Roles… See them with respect… while we plan for a very different Future!
Our Vision of Each Other… See each other “through their eyes.” IT Library
IT and Library Staff were asked to reflect on the issues that our institutions face:
Presidents and Chief Academic Officers were also asked to reflect on the issues that our institutions face:
IT and Library Staff were then asked to reflect on the issues that our organizations face:
Presidents and Chief Academic Officers were also asked to reflect on the issues that IT and Library organizations face:
IT and Library staff were then asked to identify issues that should be the focus of Library/IT collaborative effort:
Presidents and Chief Academic Officers were also asked to identify issues that should be the focus of Library/IT collaborative effort:
Library and IT staff were asked to identify messages that they wished their Presidents and Chief Academic Officers would understand about their challenges and opportunities:
And Presidents and Chief Academic Officers were asked to identify messages that they wished their IT and Library staffs would understand:
Community Discussion Finally, the combined community of Library staff, IT staff, Presidents and Chief Academic Officers were asked at the end of the Thursday workshop: If you had a magic wand with which to improve your institution through greater Library/IT collaboration, what would you change?
Two Final Flipcharts: Represent two issues from the conversations with Presidents and CAOs: A picture of the potential layout of a Learning Commons in the Library that includes IT and the Teaching/Learning Center (and focuses on physical, service orientation, staffing and organizational cultures Notes from a discussion about owning IT and Library issues (policies, projects and goals) on a greater institutional level
Consider 3 Additional Things…
1. All of this is About…
2. We Have to “Change the Dance” Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results!
3. Constantly Check Self-Awareness
Constantly Check Self-Awareness
Discussion and Questions?
Thank You! Gene Spencer Gene Spencer Consulting Danville, Pennsylvania USA
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Program – Session on Friday The Collaboration Imperative - What We Learned & Next Steps Our discussions about the many challenges faced by Library and IT organizations and the opportunities for these critical organizations to work together in accomplishing important work for the institution require us to do more than talk. Desires must be turned into commitments, and words must be turned into actions. This keynote will allow the presenters to highlight ideas and concepts from the conference's other conversations, as well as our rare opportunity to hear from Presidents and chief academic officers, to find a means of collaboration that can be meaningful to your institutions and beneficial to your organizations.