Harris County: Recipient of Global Trends in Manufacturing and Transportation By: Curtis D. Spencer, President IMS Worldwide, Inc.
Table of Contents Global Trends Manufacturing and Re-shoring Gulf Coast Resin Boom Other Harris County Trends Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
Global Trends Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
Five-Year Forecast for U.S. Imports via Ocean Container Compound Annual Growth Rates Forecast developed by JOC Group economist Mario O. Moreno
Compound Annual Growth Rates Forecast developed by JOC Group economist Mario O. Moreno Five-Year U.S. Exports via Ocean Container 3.5% With New Resin Exports
U.S. Intermodal Volume Growth In the first 37 Weeks of 2013 vs Source: American Association of Railroads 5.6% Growth
Global Sourcing and Manufacturing Trends: Re-Shoring and New US Manufacturing Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
New US-Domestic manufacturing that is made competitive by new resources Natural Gas-new technologies unlocking new sources of product which provides lower cost feed stocks for plastics-PE and PP specifically but PVC as well, now US is competitive with the worlds producer New production capacity announced in North America, 9 billion pounds of new production through 2018, some will be on line as early as 2015 Not all about “re-shoring” but about new industry and manufacturing Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting Manufacturing Grows in the USA
Boston Consulting Group’s report in 2012 had everyone expecting “25% Re-Shoring to the USA in the next 5 years” Not going to happen! There are indeed some evidence of Re-Shoring coming back into the USA from Asia. Primarily in heavier products/parts, highly automated operations and those requiring quick engineering changes in order to stay ahead of competition AND…we are seeing a huge ‘boom’ in basic, heavy manufacturing being started up in the USA- plastics, chemicals, steel, basic metals – all based around Cheap Natural Gas for the next 100 years. Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting What is the Real Story in Near Shoring
New Aluminum Plants, New Steel Plants, New Pipe Plants and basic Chemical Plants are all coming online during the next 5 years in the USA How? Cheap Natural Gas. And, we are seeing a resurgence in Mexican Manufacturing in auto, home goods and other “heavy products” for US consumption. Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting What is the Real Story in Near Shoring
191 new or expansions in petrochemical processing This is $117 billion in the US petrochemical industry By 2020, the cumulative impact will boost real GDP by 2.0% to 3.3% Creating from 2.7 million to as high as 3.6 million new jobs. Representing cumulative capital investments totaling $117.0 billion in the United States, fully 62% of this is foreign direct investment. 62% of this investment is foreign direct investment Source: American Chemical Council, 2014 Chemical, Resin and Plastics MFG.
Strong Investment in Ethylene
In 2012, 15 billion pounds of thermoplastic resins was exported, PVC was the leading export with a value of $31.2 billion. Between 2005 and 2012, the U.S. went from being among the highest cost producers of ethylene to among the lowest cost producers globally. Today, the U.S. exports approximately 20% of its production of PE and PP resins. When all the new capacity is created, we will export - 30%-40% of the total PE and PP Production. What Supply Chain Routes will be utilized to Export Resin? Exporting Plastic Resins Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
In the next 10 years, the Gulf Coast Producers will be needing 350,000 to 400,000 new export containers to capture the new Export Production. (Source: IHS Global Insights 2014) Estimates today place 60% of that Resin will be shipped directly out of the Port of Houston to Asia, Europe and S. America 15-20% may travel to DFW for packaging and then will route to West Coast Ports and on to Asia % will travel to Charleston/Norfolk for European Destinations. Supply Chain Routes for Plastics Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
Global Sourcing and Manufacturing Trends - Mexico Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting Here is a look at the Evidence for Mexico!
Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
27 SOURCE: International Labour Organization, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics U.S. Dollar Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting WSJ Since 2003, wages in Mexico have risen 25% compared to 218% in China
What do we see as the “Hottest Markets” not on everyone’s radar Houston Gulf Coast – Resin, Medical, Manufacturing; Insane levels of investment over the next 10 years. E-Com facilities in dense population clusters; re-working value added space, cold, cooler, reefer space, for E-Com same-day delivery. The entire “cold-chain” is growing! Target, WM and others want to control back to the farms. Port of Houston has a huge initiative for Cold-Chain Imports and exports. Our Firm is working on projects estimated to add over 80,000 New TEUs for the Port of Houston – Export, and 50,000 new TEUs Imported. Foreign Trade Zone, Logistics and Supply Chain Consulting
Source: HSBC and Greater Houston Partnership Change in Employment (%) Top 20 Metro’s July 2013 – July 2014
Prepared By: Curtis D. Spencer, President IMS Worldwide, Inc.