By Spencer Hackworth
1. Beaches being made depend on wave energy, sediment supply, the tides and seasons, and the weather. 2. A jetty, breakwater, and seawalls are all land formations used to lessen erosion and deposition of the beach.
The energy of the waves push the deposited soil into the beach therefore expanding the beach. The sediment supply is the deposited soil that expands the beach. The soil is essential to the beach. Depending on how big the tides are is important because the beach will either erode or pile up. The weather effects the tide which means the beach will be eroded. There are many natural processes that effect the beach.
Jetties are horizontal breakers made of rock that lessen erosion and help the beach to grow. Seawalls are not man made and are natural. Somehow mother nature knew that they would help to reduce erosion and deposition. The two landforms really help the beach to live. A seawall is made of rocks and a jetty isn’t but they both seem to work.
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