By Lyndel Elliott-Buckley
Princess Diana was born on the 1 st of July She was born to a loving royal family her mother lady Frances Spencer and her father John Edward Spencer. Princess Diana was born in Sandringham (Norfolk- England). Princess Diana was born on the 1 st of July She was born to a loving royal family her mother lady Frances Spencer and her father John Edward Spencer. Princess Diana was born in Sandringham (Norfolk- England).
o Princess Diana has blue eyes, blonde hair. o Her height was 1.77m. o She has two sisters Sarah and Jane and a brother Charles. o Princess Diana has blue eyes, blonde hair. o Her height was 1.77m. o She has two sisters Sarah and Jane and a brother Charles.
o As Diana left school in 1978 she had many jobs such as: o A nanny o A waitress o A cleaning women o And then a teacher at the young England kindergarten in piccolo in London. o As Diana left school in 1978 she had many jobs such as: o A nanny o A waitress o A cleaning women o And then a teacher at the young England kindergarten in piccolo in London.
Lady Diana Princess of Wales Lady Di The queen of hearts The peoples princess
o When Princess Diana was 86 years old her mother left her father. This happened in o Her father got custody but over all of the kids. o Diana went to private boarding schools, she wasn’t that good at school but she was excellent at sports she won many awards for swimming when she grew up she wanted to be a ballerina, But she grew to tall. o When Princess Diana was 86 years old her mother left her father. This happened in o Her father got custody but over all of the kids. o Diana went to private boarding schools, she wasn’t that good at school but she was excellent at sports she won many awards for swimming when she grew up she wanted to be a ballerina, But she grew to tall.
In 1980 she began to fall in love with the prince of Wales. He was 12 years older than her and he had previously dated her sister Sarah. From the start the press took interest in lady Diana. Diana and Charles married July at st pauls cathedral. There wedding was broadcast in 74 countries and it was world wide over 750 million people watched it. Diana was the first English women in over 300 years to marry and heir the throne. In 1980 she began to fall in love with the prince of Wales. He was 12 years older than her and he had previously dated her sister Sarah. From the start the press took interest in lady Diana. Diana and Charles married July at st pauls cathedral. There wedding was broadcast in 74 countries and it was world wide over 750 million people watched it. Diana was the first English women in over 300 years to marry and heir the throne.
o In 1992 princess Diana shared the truth about her and prince Charles this became a book but the public did not know until after her death. o There separation was announced in December 1992 her and prince of Wales had been officially divorced in august o When they were divorced princes Diana kept her name princess of Wales and her and prince Charles got custody of the children her and prince Wales had after that Diana continued her work with the charities she loved. o In 1992 princess Diana shared the truth about her and prince Charles this became a book but the public did not know until after her death. o There separation was announced in December 1992 her and prince of Wales had been officially divorced in august o When they were divorced princes Diana kept her name princess of Wales and her and prince Charles got custody of the children her and prince Wales had after that Diana continued her work with the charities she loved.
o In 1997 Diana was in a love affair with a billionaire they were both killed in a car accident trying to get away from paparazzi. o Her brother gave a touching speech at her funeral. o In 1997 Diana was in a love affair with a billionaire they were both killed in a car accident trying to get away from paparazzi. o Her brother gave a touching speech at her funeral.
o Princess Diana changed the lives of people on this earth she changed the world and the love of people princess Diana will never be forgotten.
o I hope you learnt a lot about princess Diana o As she was our princess she changed the world and people. o I hope you learnt a lot about princess Diana o As she was our princess she changed the world and people.
"I would like to be a queen in the hearts of the people.” “The worst illness of our time is that so many people have to suffer from never being loved.” “Your patron has never been happier to see you. Whatever uncertainties the last few weeks may have brought I want you to be certain of this our work together will continue unchanged. Especially at Christmas.. The sick, the old, the handicapped and the homeless, the lonely, the confused and the simply unloved who are needing your help more than ever.” “2 things stand like stone Kindness in another trouble courage in your own”
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