High-Altitude Ballooning Workshop August 6 & 8, 2013 James Flaten Minnesota Space Grant Consortium University of Minnesota (cell)
Contact information James Flaten, U of MN, Seth Frick, U of MN student, Spencer McDonald, U of MN student, Hannah Weiher, U of MN student, Christopher Gosch, U of MN student, John Jackson, U of MN student, Kale Hedstrom, U of MN, David Murr, Augsburg College, Angel Rodriquez, Augsburg College student, Chuck Niederriter, Gustavus Adolphus College, Steve Mellema, Gustavus Adolphus College, Anand Vyas, Inver Hills Community College, Nhan Phan, Inver Hills Community College student, Peter Pitman, White Bear Lake High School (South Campus), Lynn Spears, Farnsworth Aerospace Magnet Middle School, Susan Koppendrayer, Calvin Christian Middle School, Jon Laqua, Tripoli Rocketry, Chris Ziemann, Tripoli Rocketry,
General Agenda Day 1 – Tuesday, August 6, 2013 morning: payload-build afternoon: ballooning skills Day 2 – Thursday, August 8, 2013 flight: launch, chase, recovery
Payload Box Construction Options, “Flat-sat” Configuration, and Rigging (Christopher)
Cameras: Video and Still (Spencer and James)
Resistive Heater (snap-together model) (Seth)
HOBO data loggers (John)
Telemetry of experimental data (Hannah – zigbees; Seth – RTrak)
Arduino packages X: basic Uno Y: basic Mega Z: “super” Uno (Spencer)
Plan interior layout (“mock-box”) (James)
Begin Payload Assembly
Arduino lesson (X: Christopher, Y: Spencer, Z: Seth)
Arduino capabilities (each group – X, Y, and Z)
Finish Payoad Assembly (as much as possible)
Overview of Ballooning Skills and Comments about FAR 101 (James)
Running Flight Predictions (John)
GPS Radio Tracking (Hardware/Software) (In Flight and On The Ground) (Spencer – aprs; Hannah – StratoSAT; James – other)
Practice Balloon Inflation and Sealing Excess Lift Calculation and Measurement (Hannah)
Finalizing the Stack: Start Payloads; Tracking Checks (Seth)
GPS Radio Tracking from the Ground (Spencer – aprs “in-car” Hannah – StratoSAT “in-car” Christopher – internet)
“Chase” and Recovery Comments (James)
Data Analysis: Photos and Video (Spencer)
Data Analysis: aprs Tracking Record (James)
Data Analysis: HOBO Data Loggers (Christopher)
Data Analysis: StratoSAT/Zigbee Record (Hannah)
Data Analysis: Arduino Record (Seth)
Logistics for Thursday (James)