Raising a Safeguarding Adults concern in Lewisham
What is abuse? Abuse can take many forms. It may be physical, mental, emotional, sexual or financial. Examples of abuse are: lack of food, warmth or personal care slapping, hitting or roughly moving a person threats, shouting or swearing inappropriate touching or sexual activity where a person has not given consent or is unable to give consent theft of money, belongings or property Misuse of medication Restraint
More Forms of abuse Coercion, harassment, cyber bullying Isolation and deprivation of contact Modern slavery –forced labour & human trafficking Discrimination abuse Organisational abuse –neglect/poor quality practice in an institution or care setting which can be the result of structure, policies or practices in an organisation Domestic Violence –including so called ‘honour’based violence
What to look for Impact Fear Ill health Pain and discomfort Loss of self esteem Failure to thrive Death Characteristics Limited Communication Sleep disturbance Challenging Behaviour Highly Dependant
New language & ways of working Alerts are now Concerns Referrals are now Enquiries under Section 42 of the Care Act The local authority can cause other organisations to make enquiries on their behalf Making Safeguarding Personal Person alleged to be responsible for harm or neglect
Raising a Concern Learning Disability Mental Health New Not known Everyone else If in doubt ! SCAIT Social Care Advice & Information Team Telephone Already known to the LD service Not known to the LD service Learning Disability Duty Team Telephone Not known to the MH service Already known to the MH service Assessment & Liaison Service Age Telephone
What happens next Confirms cause for concern and agrees outcomes wanted and action(s) to be taken Discussion with individual or their representative (By LA or partner agency) Is Action needed? Is section 42 applicable? issues of neglect or abuse resolved –no further risk Section 42 action ends Other action may be needed Local decision making Information gathering the start of the enquiry Further actions needed LA retains accountability and oversight of enquiry and outcomes under Section 42 Feedback to concern raiser & others involved Plan of what’s needed by whom, by when. Check outcomes Report to the Police
What happens next continued Plan of what’s needed by whom, by when. Check outcomes Outcomes achieved Section 42 duty ends. Agreed by the LA Outcomes not achieved Section 42 duty continues Further actions needed if still at risk of harm Continue to Work with individual & develop strategies to manage /reduce risks Final evaluation of outcomes Other actions? Safeguarding plan needed Review plan Evaluation of outcomes & actions
What you should have in your Organisation Arrangements in place to record information and make records available when needed Local policy and procedures compliant with the Care act-including how to investigate A Designated Adult Safeguarding Manager (DASM)- required for LSAB members recommended for others Recognition that you may need to attend a case conference or give evidence
Help & Support Training –Jonathon Buckeridge Safeguarding & Quality Assurance –Brian Scouler Safeguarding Board and policy & procedure – Cheryl Spencer Any Concerns - SCAIT