Jaime Medina
At Texas811 we have set our sights on leading the Damage Prevention Industry and to improve its future Last Month Texas811 celebrated its 30 th anniversary, for over 30 Years, (Texas811) Texas Excavation Safety System, Inc. has Connected Excavators and Facility Operators in Texas.
LSNC TX811Texas Simply put, it is a speed-dial number to get in touch with a One Call Center. All calls are rotated between the two One Call Centers operating in the State. Texas811 router
Today, Texas811 processes nearly 70 % of the total inbound requests in Texas. Texas811 also provides One-Call Services in South Dakota and West Virginia. Texas811 has over 1,415 Members and we meet their needs by providing world class service and technology.
Ticket Count 11 – 12,000/day
YTD NSI Ticket Count vs. Total Ticket Count
Submit Web Entry (E- Tickets) tickets, process your own Update, No Response and Emergency tickets Free training available Receive instant ticket number (with specialized training)
Easy and quick to fill out request form Company information auto-populates Search Tickets Process Emergency Tickets Process No Response Tickets Update/Remark your locate request Receive your confirmation number immediately Texas811 Portal web-based application
Our Damage Prevention Managers have established Damage Prevention Councils throughout Texas. We currently have 23 Damage Prevention Councils in Texas that cover every county in the state. The DPC councils are Non – Profits, and participate in numerous activities in the respective counties, and communities. Through the DPC we Connect members to needed services.
Damage Prevention Councils of Texas DPC Meetings 23 Regional Councils Meeting times vary by region
Texas811 Damage Prevention Summit Monday, February 9th – Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center in San Marcos
“ The graphics have already been getting attention and causing some to ask what 811 is. This has turned out to be one of the best damage prevention tools in our inventory. Very good investment.” - Mr. Spencer, the City of Chireno Cost to print-$60 Cost to install $120-$200 Company logo can be added
3 years in a row (2012, 2013, 2014)
1. Call-Click BEFORE You Dig 811 OR REMOTE APPLICATION 2. Wait the required amount of time 3. Respect the locate marks Identify your construction zone in white. Observe the Uniform Color Code. If marks are removed or altered, call for a re-mark 4. Dig with care Follow safe excavation practices and hand dig when appropriate. Four Steps to Safer Excavation Texas law requires at least 2 working days notice