1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: The Value-Priced Leader Now Offers Web-Control Confer III View Console Option For more information please contact
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Allows management of the Confer III conference bridge over a network assign conference number to 4-port group view Active/Idle port status drop line from conference mute/unmute line from conference assign authorization code to conference (must have auth code option) set/clear Auth Code Override and Greeting Override Confer III Web Console Overview ConferWeb
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: ConferWeb Connectivity Confer III PSTN/PBX Host PC 1 with Confer Web server software on the network with IP address Host PC 1 to Confer III Direct Connect Via RS-232 Null Modem Connection (COM1). Other PC’s on network can manage the Confer III Bridge by typing a pre assigned URL Address of the Host PC 1 in their web browser LAN HOST PC 1 Host PC Requirements Operating System -Windows XP Availabale COM1 port Host PC 1 accessible from any network PC Host PC1 is optional
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: ConferWeb Host PC 1 installs and runs the Confer Web server application Host PC 1 is optional Host PC1 executes the ConferWeb application
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Login Screen Any network PC web browser uses the pre assigned URL address of the Host PC 1 User enters login and password. Default Login: Administrator Password: Confer3
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: View Port Status Display shows Bridge Configuration: 12 party conference (brown), 4 party conference (orange) 8 party conference (blue) Active ports are Indicated by green display Current talker status is indicated by red display Confer III Bridge Status in green indicates That the Bridge and the Host PC 1 are communicating
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Manage Users Administrator can add multiple users that have access to Confer Web by clicking the New User tab. Users can be given status as administrator, moderator or standard user
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Administrator – change conference assignments ( bridge must be idle ) set/override authorization codes manage users view bridge activity i.e active ports, current talker drop participants from conference mute/unmute participants schedule blast dial for one time conference or recurring call Moderator – view bridge activity i.e active ports, current talker drop participants from conference mute/unmute participants Standard User – view bridge activity i.e active ports, current talker User Privileges
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Scheduling Confer Web will allow scheduling of conferences as a one time conference for a particular day, date and time or as a recurring conference, e.g., a weekly conference call every Monday at 10 a.m. Administrator will select a list of people to be contacted from the address book for that particular conference (see Note 1) At the time of the scheduled conference the Confer III bridge will blast dial to the participants (see Note 2) Blast dialed participants will hear the message “ conference call, press # “ Participants will be added to the conference upon pressing the # key on their touch tone phone. NOTE: Administrator needs to make sure that the number of people to be contacted (Blast Dialed) for any particular conference is the same as the number of ports available on that particular conference. If a conference call is ongoing on a conference for which Blast Dial is scheduled, the prior conference call will be terminated automatically to make way for the Blast Dial.
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Conference Configuration Conference configuration can be changed by clicking the New configuration tab. Note: Conference assignments can be Changed only when the system is IDLE Conference assignments can be changed on a 4 port basis by using these buttons
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Changing Authorization Code Authorization code can be changed by clicking the set authorization code tab. Note: 1. System does not have to be IDLE to be able to change authorization code 2. Authorization Code may be added if not ordered with original Confer III New authorization code can be entered here for the required conference followed by submit button
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Drop Port(s) User logged in as an administrator or moderator can drop a port by clicking the port and clicking drop
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Mute/Unmute Function User logged in as administrator or moderator can mute/unmute a port by clicking the port and then clicking mute/unmute Muted lines are displayed in orange
1223 North Glenville Dr. Richardson, TX P: F: Thank you For more information please contact