a division of Harte-Hanks The data quality company Trillium Software System Version 7 – a preview 7/30/0311:30AM EST Meeting Number: Teleconference: Trillium Software ™ Webex Training Session PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE!
The data quality company Trillium Software System Version 7 Moderator/Presenter Karen Pike Senior Education Consultant Presenter/Panel: Kevin W. McCarthy Director of Product Management
The data quality company Session Format l 60 minutes in length 50 minutes presentation/application examples50 minutes presentation/application examples 10 minutes question/answer10 minutes question/answer l Please hold all questions until the end of the session
The data quality company Agenda l Trillium Software System Version 7 l Ease of Use features Data Flow ArchitectData Flow Architect DDL Field Name Mapping ToolDDL Field Name Mapping Tool Parameter BuilderParameter Builder Parser TunerParser Tuner Matcher TunerMatcher Tuner l Expanded Global Reach l Built-In Knowledge l Demonstration
The data quality company Trillium Software System Version 7 l Version 7 user interface enhancements make the data quality process easy to implement, understand, tune and diagram l The Universal Cleansing Adapter in this new version makes it easy to integrate the Trillium Software System into a real- time application
The data quality company Ease of Use l Data Flow Architect Drag and Drop capability to create a functioning data quality modelDrag and Drop capability to create a functioning data quality model Easy to design, Edit and Maintain a customized data quality implementationEasy to design, Edit and Maintain a customized data quality implementation Definable print area and notation capability to illustrate the process to the organizationDefinable print area and notation capability to illustrate the process to the organization
The data quality company Ease of Use
The data quality company Ease of Use l Parameter Builder Eliminates need to know technical syntax for parametersEliminates need to know technical syntax for parameters Streamlines process of adding parameters, choosing criteria and modifying instructions for individual data quality processesStreamlines process of adding parameters, choosing criteria and modifying instructions for individual data quality processes
The data quality company Ease of Use l DDL Field Name Mapping Tool Simply file management by graphically moving or copying data fields across data dictionariesSimply file management by graphically moving or copying data fields across data dictionaries l Parser Tuner Customize data quality processes for both customer and business dataCustomize data quality processes for both customer and business data New attribute filter to view Word/Pattern entriesNew attribute filter to view Word/Pattern entries
The data quality company Ease of Use l Matcher Tuner View results of custom match rules by using intelligent filtering of linked groups by group size or match pattern IDView results of custom match rules by using intelligent filtering of linked groups by group size or match pattern ID Understand impact of field selections in matching by interactively customizing fields to display in final match resultUnderstand impact of field selections in matching by interactively customizing fields to display in final match result
The data quality company Expanded Global Reach l Increase confidence in address validity and expand support for 191 countries included in UPU files l Deepen understanding of variations in data for 35 global business hubs l Gain more complete customer views with US and Canadian census geocoding l US Delivery Point Validation performs a USPS- regulated process that validates the existence of an address global business hubs
The data quality company Built-In Knowledge l Enhancement Solutions Dun & BradstreetDun & Bradstreet CI EnrichRightCI EnrichRight l Compliance Solutions OFAC (US)OFAC (US) Bank of England (UK)Bank of England (UK) OSFI (CA)OSFI (CA)
The data quality company Demonstration
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