Mind Mapping for Girl Scouts
[insert instructor’s name] [Insert date] Test your audio Trouble? Refresh or RE-login 2. What you need: Own computer Headset Log on to Blackboard Collaborate Welcome to Mind Mapping for Girl Scouts iMindMap software should be downloaded
Interactive Web Experience Ensures engagement through more than 25 ongoing interactions An interaction is generated at least ever 2-3 minutes All participants are called upon Interaction is spread evenly Commit to bringing what you learn today into your work
Ground Rules Turn off cell phones, and other distractions Use *6 to mute your line, #6 to unmute (please do not put us on hold) Be prepared to be called on randomly and to respond Change your status to Step Away if you need to step away Use web tools to communicate Participate Keep a pad & writing implement nearby Have Fun!
Write 1-2 words you associate with the concept of mind mapping…..
What would you like to use Mind Mapping to accomplish?
Learning Outcomes Describe Mind Mapping method Summarize various Mind Mapping applications Discuss 3 Mind Mapping Applications in work and in life Practice Mind Mapping using specialized software
The case for creativity…
Mind Mapping Applications- Practical Exploring thoughts, beliefs and assumptions Planning Organizing Creative Thinking Making Associations Gaining Insights Life Planning Personal Growth What are some more?
Mind Mapping Applications- Exploratory Note-Taking To-do lists Capturing information in meetings, lectures Preparing for meetings Projects Designs or reviews Creating Agendas Planning a party or event Presentation Team Meetings Moving to a new place Decorating a room Learning What are some more?
Conceptual Introduction to Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping Guidelines Begin with your image, in the center Draw branches for new thoughts, dimensions or topics Draw sub branches to cluster related thoughts Create simple lables *Look for Connections* Speed over neatess! flow
Now let’s work on a map together: Healthy eating & girls It’s 2020 Portland Convention Obesity is down 20% How did we get here?
Let’s Mind Map it!
Now, Create your Own… Use 5 different visual branches Remember to look at the interconnections among the branches Go as fast as you can, and…. Let it flow!
Let’s debrief Tell us about your map What surprised you? Did any connections take you by surprise? How many “new” thoughts emerged? What did you learn? What will you do next with the information in your map?
Wrap-Up & Commitments 2 lessons you’ve learned today about Mind Mapping How will you use the Mind Map you developed, after the session? Name 2 characteristics or ideas about Mind Mapping you’ll share with others in your council
Thank you!