Linda Barovier, Associate Coordinator, Northeast Regional Team
Introduction to Connect Pro Welcome to this Connect Pro Virtual Meeting. We will be using the following windows: –PowerPoint Window –Attendee List –Chat –Note We will also use the “Raise your Hand” feature
Introduction to Connect Pro Two Ways to Ask Questions 1. In Writing: –Write question in Chat window –Select everyone from drop down menu –Press “Enter”
Introduction to Connect Pro 2. By Raising Your Hand: Raise your hand by clicking You will see your status change in attendees list Un-mute your phone (press * #) when called upon Remember to mute your phone again once you have finished speaking Lower your hand by again clicking
Welcome & Virtual Roll Call We will use the hand raise feature for a virtual roll call Raise your hand to signal your presence when your affiliation (PRC or OASAS) is named: –Central –Finger Lakes –Mid-Hudson –NY City –Suffolk –Western –OASAS staff 5
Wishes for Today’s Webinar Use the chat box to identify one wish for today’s webinar –Your login name will identify you –You can also opt to agree with your colleagues by scrolling down the options listed in the hand raise feature (the little “blue man”) Please mute your phone until you wish to ask questions (use * # to mute and unmute) 6
Objectives Participants will be able to: Define key terms associated with media advocacy in the field of prevention Identify and utilize four keys to effective media advocacy Provide technical assistance to communities on using media advocacy 7
What is Media Advocacy? The strategic use of media to advance a social or public policy issue. Shifts the focus from the individual to society’s laws, norms, and policies Is based on the public health model Targets changes in the environment 8
Goals of Media Advocacy Objectives are: To effect change in public policy, not just obtain media coverage To shape debate around public policy To communicate stories for the purpose of changing policies 9
Key Questions for Planning What is the problem? Which type of policy is needed to address the problem? Who has the power to make it happen? Who must be mobilized? What message(s) will be most effective? 10
Four Keys to Media Advocacy Key 1: Conduct Research Key 2: Frame the Issue Key 3: Access the Media Key 4: Using Epidemiologic Data 11
Conducting Research Key # 1: 12
Conducting Research – Why? Research provides the “ammunition” to make your case and counter opposition arguments. Research gives you credibility and sets you up as the expert on the issue. 13
Conducting Research – When? When you're trying to get an ordinance, policy or legislation passed When you're seeking to arouse community concern about an issue When important programs or services or whole groups of people are under attack 14
Conducting Research – How? Learn the basics about your issue –Example: server training, keg registration, advertising Know how you will use the information –Example: press release, study, legislative briefing Check all your facts twice – know stats Get help 15
Conducting Research – Where? Academic research –Library, internet, journals, Google Scholar Key informant surveys or focus groups –Police chief, license commissioner, community stakeholders Existing laws, policies, or ordinances –State legislature website and library –Municipal/county clerks’ offices and websites Surveys and epidemiologic data 16
Conducting Research – NY Resources Existing state laws –State resources on the New York Assembly and Senate – State Senate and Assembly legislation
Conducting Research – NY Resources NY Surveys and Epidemiologic Data –Various substance abuse-related data DataMart.cfmhttp:// DataMart.cfm –Available State and regional epidemiological profiles (must register as user to access; anyone can register) 18
Framing the Issue Key 2: 19
Framing the Issue What to include/exclude? Focus on policies, not individual behavior Focus on social accountability and institutional responsibility 20
Accessing the Media Key 3: 21
Accessing The Media Connect your issue to other stories Monitor the media Make the issue community-based 22
Accessing The Media (cont’d.) Write an Op-Ed Suggest a story Write a press release 23
Connecting to Stories Connect your issue to other stories –Search area papers –On-line searches of local newspapers Find ways to link stories back to conditions in the community (local interest stories) 24
Monitor the Media Monitor the media – chures/alcohol_outlet_facts.htmhttp:// chures/alcohol_outlet_facts.htm Monitor alcohol industry and local alcohol merchant ads Look for reports about research on alcohol-related problems 25
Writing an Op-ed An op-ed is a guest opinion column found in the editorial section of your newspaper. As a member of the community, you can use it as a tool to get your message out in the local media. Getting a community leader or champion to co-author may help get the op-ed published. Resources and suggestions – 26
Building Relationships with the Media Know who they are –Print (newspapers, magazines) –Broadcast (TV, radio, podcasts) –Social media (blogs, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter) rica/United_States/ rica/United_States/ Know what type of media your target audience prefers Learn how to best contact your target audience 27
Hold a Newsworthy Event A Policy Forum A Conference A Town Hall Meeting A Legislative Briefing 28
Using Epidemiological Data Key #4: 29
Epidemiological Data Using statistics Translating research from dry facts to attention- grabbing news 30
Using Epi Data to Make the Case Number of Liquor Licenses in South Boston Number of Churches in South Boston There are 5 liquor licenses for every 1 church in South Boston 31
Massachusetts Banding Together Against Alcohol Ads Community Case Study 32
Problem: Ads on the subway train Solution: Policy Power: Grabowskis (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Commissioner) Mobilize: Community coalitions Message: Youth don’t want the ads Massachusetts Banding Together Against Alcohol-Advertising (MBTAA) 33
Case Study: MBTAA MBTAA formed with 3 Boston coalitions Cambridge and Somerville join Strategic plan developed Youth take photos conduct poll Press release Conference on steps of MBTAA Grabowskis counters responsibility to raise funds MBTAAA requests budget Strategic plan re- developed Grabowskis doesn’t get it; campaign launched New Governor Health Commissioner Jernigan– CAMY speaks in Boston State policy recommendations made to IAC – Lt Governor Governors’ spouse joins National initiative Message framed as public health Meeting with Public Health Commission planned Meeting with Governor’s spouse planned 34
Research Impact of Advertising Youth Ridership on T Poll: See Ad Disapprove MBTA Advertising Budget Framing the Issue Publicly-funded transportation system should not allow alcohol ads Accessing The Media Press Release Press Conference Media on Committee Conference: CAMY Legislative Briefing Epi/Statistical Data Youth Use Consequences Advertising Dollars Spent Case Study: MBTAA 35
Social Marketing: Cambridge implemented numerous efforts to reduce youth access and change social norms supporting youth use Media Advocacy: Create public support to change policy of Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA or the “T”) of carrying alcohol advertising on the T Policy: Change T advertising policies Enforcement: Coalitions could monitor whether T has alcohol-related ads once policy is enacted 36 Case Study: MBTAA
Synergy & Complementary Strategies Change or enforce policy, regulations or laws Creates norm change Creates climate for policy change Targets the specific behavior to encourage or discourage Social Marketing Media Advocacy: Policy Enforcement (of Policy) 37
Concern: Is This Lobbying ? What is lobbying? “A person who tries to influence the introduction of or voting on legislation or the decisions of government administrators.” 38
What is Lobbying? Direct o Influence Legislation Through Communication (vote for House Bill 2203) Grassroots o Influence legislation through an attempt to affect the public opinions of the general public or any segment (Hey citizens of Anytown, NY - House Bill 2203 is bad) If you’re unsure … check with your funder 39
What is Not Lobbying? Meeting with your legislator Providing your legislator with educational materials A newsletter to your members htmlhttp:// html Dissemination of research reports or studies Elected Officials
Questions? 41