(Title) Name(s) of presenter(s) Organizational Affiliation Welcome WI Mental Health Collaborative V February 24, 2014
Welcome WI Mental Health Collaborative V February Today’s call will start at 1:00 pm. (Call is scheduled for 1.5 hours, but we don’t expect it to go that long.) Please do the following two steps. Turn off or mute your computer speakers. Step 1Step 2 Call the conference line Access code: # Press *6 to mute and un-mute your phone
WI Mental Health Collaborative III Kick-off call February 24,2014 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Agenda I.Welcome II.Introductions & Roll Call III.Overview of the Collaborative IV.The NIATx Model V.Wisconsin Dells Change Leader Academy Logistics
Reduce Readmission Rates and Hospital Utilization Process Improvement NIATx Principles NIATx Supports Key Roles Framework for Change
Why Process Improvement? Customers are served by processes. 85 percent of customer-related problems are caused by processes. You must improve your processes to better serve customers.
Five Key Principles Evidence based predictors of successful change Understand & Involve the Customer Focus on Key Problems Select the Right Change Leader Seek Ideas from Outside the Field and Organization Do Rapid Cycle Testing
Making Changes PDSA Cycles –Plan the change –Do the plan –Study the results –Act on the new knowledge Adapt Adopt Abandon Two-week-long cycles
Rapid-cycle Testing Start by asking three questions: 1.What are we trying to accomplish? 2.How will we know a change is an improvement? 3.What changes can we test?
Before Making Changes Collect baseline data Determine the target population and location Establish a clear aim Select a Change Leader and the Change Team
Example Aims Promote effective transitions & increase continuation to the next level of care Increase client involvement in discharge process Engage clients within 48 hours Reduce time between discharge & intake Increase client coping mechanisms to prevent re- hospitalization Reduce Chapter 51 hospitalizations where alcohol is a primary factor
Who’s Who in Process Improvement? Who’s Who in Process Improvement? Executive Sponsor Change Leader Change Team Members
Executive Sponsor Vision –Provides a clear link to a strategic plan –Sets a clear aim for the Change Project Engagement –Supports the change leader –Periodically attends change team meetings –Personally invites change team participants Leadership –Removes barriers to change –Connects the dots –Communicates clearly, concisely, and constantly
Powerful Change Leader The Change Leader must have… –Influence, respect, and authority across levels of the organization –A direct line to the CEO –Empathy for all staff members –Time devoted to leading Change Projects
Leadership Characteristics
What do Change Team Members look like? Front line workers and supervisors Key community stakeholders Staff from other healthcare organizations Representatives from the another county Members of the community Others impacted by the change in your county or organization
Change Team Responsibilities Meet regularly Ensure accountability –Record and distribute minutes –Assign tasks and responsibilities Identify potential solutions –Quickly test one idea –Measure the impact of the change
NIATx Supports Coaching Site Visits Monthly Calls Monthly Group Calls Learning Sessions Change Leader Academy Closeout Session Web (
What is the Plan for 2014 Cohort of counties who will receive intensive coaching Statewide learning collaborative –Kick-off conference call –Wisconsin Dells Change Leader Academy –Local learning collaborative in your DHS region –Monthly group coaching calls –Close-out session to share results
Change Leader Academy Wisconsin Dells, WI Logistics: 1. Who 2. What 3. When 4. Where 5. Preparation
Overview The Walk-through
Walk-through and Expectations Purpose Process Preparation Participate actively Prospective problem solving Plan your next steps