Protecting Your Privacy Online
No mute button? Mute: dial 611# Unmute: dial 600#
Do as I say, not as I do
Passwords Lie Secure connection (SSL) Vanity search Junk Account Terms of Service Billboards/T-Shirt
Don’t use your banking password for anything else Use strong passwords (min 8 characters, alpha-numeric, mixed case) Consider using a password keeper (i.e., LastPass)
Create a free account for online registrations
Don’t use your correct birth date Make up your mother’s maiden name, elementary school name, favorite pet name, etc. "123 No Such Street, Nowhere, WI 01010"
When filling out sensitive data on surveys, make sure that it is a secure connection (SSL)
Put your name in quotes in the search engine.
Activity: Take a post-it or piece of paper and write on it the funniest thing that ever happened to you… last week, last month, last year or in your lifetime. Un-mute your phone (button or 600#) and wait for instructions…
Work account Vacation status Friends and followers Micro-manage Tagging photos Kids’ names Games, quizzes Location-sharing tools
Create separate work and personal accounts
Create Lists of Friends and Pages
Most FB users accept the defaults
Use the friends list to personalize your privacy settings
Open Book: (warning: potentially offensive language)
Photo releases Avoid identifiable photos Don’t tag in Facebook Use initials for ID
Most ask for access to your personal information
Weird status messages = potential virus If it sounds too good to be true…
Who owns your contact information? Are they company assets? National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (draft)
Electronic Frontier Foundation Lifehacker Federal Trade Commission: Snopes Scam Checker
Presentation available on