PCMH TEAM CALL * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Wednesday, February 27, :30 – 8:30 and 4:30 – 5:30 Tel , ID: # Access Code: Tel , ID: #
Webinar Etiquette Please MUTE your phone (*6 if you don’t have a Mute button) Please do NOT use HOLD UNMUTE to talk (*7) To ask questions or share comments: Via Chat: Type your question or comment into the “Chat” box on the lower left-hand side of the screen To speak via Webinar: Use “Raise your Hand” function, we’ll call on you to speak Via Phone: UNMUTE (*7) Please state your name and practice team when speaking 2 * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE
Project Updates QI Specialists assigned to Practices Outreach/Introductions underway Health Homes Attestation: 2/28/13 PHASE I Practices Practice Culture Survey – due 3/8 PHASE II Practices Clinical Measure Submission – due 3/1 Behavioral Health Integration SSA – due 3/15 QC Town Hall Meeting & QC 2013 * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
* 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
* 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: # Team-Based Care Resources on QC Website OUR WORK PCMH Transformation Tools
Team-Based Care Implementation Guide * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
Teams for Continuity Front of Card * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
Teams for Smooth Flow Reduce Interruptions * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
MA Training (Maine General tools on website) * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
Teams for Planned Care * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
Team Huddles * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
Team Meetings * 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: #
* 6 to MUTE, *7 to UNMUTE Tel , ID: # Team-Based Care Redesigned Roles Co-location of staff Improved Flow/Efficiencies Team Meetings Huddles What have you been testing/implementing? Successes to share? Challenges remaining?