This net meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. mountain time You must dial in to the conference call to receive audio: Phone Number: Participant Passcode: PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE TO MINIMIZE NOISE IF YOUR PHONE DOESN’T HAVE A MUTE BUTTON, PRESS *6 IF YOU ARE CALLING ON A CELL PHONE AND DON’T KNOW HOW TO MUTE IT, YOU WILL NEED TO CALL IN ON A DIFFERENT PHONE THAT YOU CAN MUTE DO NOT PUT YOUR PHONE ON HOLD AS THAT CAN GENERATE BACKGROUND MUSIC If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please click on Q&A on the toolbar at the top of your screen, write a message in the box that says Type a question for the presenter and click Ask, we will try our best to assist you. Or Jennifer Jones at or call her at (208) Strategic Thinking
Jennifer Jones Public Affairs Specialist U.S. Forest Service, Washington Office, Fire and Aviation Management National Interagency Fire Center Boise, Idaho
What’s the point of this? Coming soon to a computer near you… Thursday, February 21, 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time Strategic Use of Social Media Michelle Fidler, Fire Communications and Education Specialist, National Park Service Kris Eriksen, Public Information Officer (PIO), National Incident Management Organization (NIMO) Thursday, February 28, 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time Leadership – It’s Not in a Taskbook! Curtis Heaton, Operations Section Chief, NIMO Kris Eriksen, PIO, NIMO To supplement information presented in S403 To develop material that may be incorporated into the all risk advanced PIO training course
NIFC PIO Bulletin Board
Housekeeping Questions will be taken at the end in writing or over the phone To submit a question in writing any time during the presentation: Click on Q&A on the toolbar at the top of your screen, write a message in the box that says “Type a question for the presenter” and click Ask
Strategic Thinking Dave Olson Deputy Public Information Officer Pincha-Tulley’s Type 1 IMT Judith Downing Public Information Officer U.S. Forest Service, NIMO Frank Mosbacher Co-Lead Public Information Officer Opliger’s Type 1 IMT
More than tools in a toolbox STRATEGIC THINKING
Strategic thinking is about The outcomes you want to achieve The general direction you want to head “Generally head west or……?” ADVANCED PIO LEADER WEBINAR
Pre Incident During the Incident Post Incident HOW TO BE STRATEGIC
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” ― Peter F. Drucker, Essential Drucker: Management, the Individual and SocietyPeter F. Drucker Essential Drucker: Management, the Individual and Society LEADERSHIP
Experience Asking questions DECIDING ON THE RIGHT THINGS TO DO 06
Wisdom is different from knowledge. WISDOM “Wisdom is the outcome of reflecting on experience”
Where do they come from? Agency administrator Delegation of authority Discussion with agency PAOs Incident Commander STRATEGIC OUTCOMES
Goals - Examples Community relations are strengthened Elected officials are informed Relationships with key people are enhanced Key messages are well known Work is conducted safely Information program is designed to cost effectively meet the needs of the incident STRATEGIC OUTCOMES 20/Annapolis_Police_Department_One_Mile_Challenge.aspx
Community Phone centers Daily updates InciWeb Social media Evacuation Centers FRAMING THE OUTCOMES Help agency administrator with goals
Simple complexities STRATEGIC ATTITUDE
“I don’t care what you say until I know that you care.” RELATIONSHIPS
“How might I become the most credible source of information?” COMMUNICATIONS
It never ends Do Your Homework Search for Information Ahead of Time and all the time Learn BIG PICTURE THINKING those-links-go/
Where is the Team PIO in the overall scheme of things? Are we supporting: FEMA County organization State organization Unified command “BIG PICTURE” THINKING
What’s going on now? What might happen? Who are the most important publics? Who is not impacted now, but might be? DOING THE RIGHT THING
What organization might I need? What resources might I need ? What PIO leadership/manage ment expertise might I need? How might I get the resources? LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION _250.jpg
Flexibility to change with situations Creativity MINDSET
Identifying existing networks and roles Unit public affairs officer County Emergency Command Center Area Command Identifying the right people to contact Identifying which duties are yours and which are the counties and other agencies MAZE BRIGHTNESS
Manage your leadership expectations Realistic optimism about the resources you can get Can you go big if necessary? Are you willing to go small if necessary? EXPECTATIONS
Most people want to do a good job Ask people for their insight – your PIO staff may have people with lots of experience Make decisions Take action Adjust actions Plan to delegate Mentor LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY
Strategic thinkers are learners REFLECTING AND LEARNING
Strategic planning is about the outcomes you want. The wisdom of diverse experience reflected upon develops insight and flexible thinking. Keep building your toolbox with knowledge, skills and abilities to increase your likelihood of success SUMMARY
3 Ways to Ask Click on Q&A on the toolbar at the top of your screen, write a message in the box that says Type a question for the presenter and click Ask Click on the hand icon and ask your question over the phone when you are called on Ask your question over the phone when I ask if anyone has any questions QUESTIONS?
STRATEGIC THINKING Dave Olson (208) Judith Downing (707) Frank Mosbacher (530)
Topics for future training/webinars *A research informed approach to incident communications *Consistent Messaging *Advanced News Media *Effective public meetings *Stakeholder/cooperator engagement *Legislative issues/politics *Internal communications *Evacuations *Current issues in wildfire/incident management Joint Information Centers/JIS *Unified Command *Working with multiple teams on a fire/Area Command
Thank you! Jennifer Jones (208) NIFC PIO Bulletin Board