Housekeeping O All lines have been placed on mute to reduce background noise O For best results, please close all other programs running on your desktop O To maximize today’s presentation on your screen, press F5 O If you have any questions, please click on Q&A on the LiveMeeting toolbar at the top of the page, and your question will be answered in the order it was received during the Q&A part of the webinar. You must delete your first question before you can ask a second question. O Please note: We will do our best to answer all the incoming questions in the time we have allotted for Q&A. Should your question not get answered, we will post the question and the answer on For audio, please call: Code:
NAMI State Organization Program Directors’ Webinar For audio, please call: Code: How to Handle Conflict and Challenging Situations January 16 th, 2014
Today’s Moderator For audio, please call: Code: Julie Erickson, Program Manager NAMI Family Support Group NAMI In Our Own Voice
Today’s Agenda 1. Housekeeping & announcements 2. Non-certification 3. De-certification 4. Questions 5. Other challenging situations? 6. Next PD Call Topic For audio, please call: Code:
Housekeeping O All lines have been placed on mute to reduce background noise O If you have any questions, please click on Q&A on the LiveMeeting toolbar at the top of the page. You must delete your first question before you can ask a second question. O TEST: type your name in the Q&A box. O Due to the short timeframe, we will be waiting to answer questions until the end of the meeting during the Q & A segment. O For best results, please close all other programs running on your desktop. O To maximize today’s presentation on your screen, press F5. For audio, please call: Code:
Announcements from NAMI Manuals and Page Change Documents now available! 2. NAMI Store 3. Program Listing Survey closes February 4. NAMI The New Executive Director, Mary Giliberti, will join us for the next call! For audio, please call: Code:
Peaceful Non-certification For audio, please call: Code: Deanna Ross, National Trainer NAMI Connection, NAMI In Our Own Voice and NAMI Peer-to-Peer
What is a Peaceful Non-certification? A conversation trainers have with a trainee that explains why the trainee cannot be certified. A focus on the person’s strengths while expressing your concerns can result in a peaceful non- certification. For audio, please call: Code:
Poll: Program Trainee
What are Some of the Reasons a Trainee Would Not be Certified? O Does not demonstrate understanding of the model or program O Does not contribute to group safety O Is focused on a directive model (giving advice, acting as a therapist) O Is self-focused and unable to create a space for all to share O Refuses to be faithful to the model or program (fidelity) For audio, please call: Code:
How Do I Have A Peaceful Non-certification? Use the 12 Step Process. But first: When you recognize a trainee may be unable to be certified, it’s time to document specifics of why the trainee cannot be certified. It’s difficult to argue with facts. In most cases, you have 1 ½ - 2 days to observe before making a final decision. Make notes as you train. For audio, please call: Code:
How Do I Have A Peaceful Non-certification? 1. Prepare yourself. Have your notes. 2. Ask an open-ended question. 3. Listen deeply. 4. Reflect what the person has said – affirm objectively. 5. Tell the person what they are doing well. 6. Respectfully tell the person what you noticed during training using specific examples that concern you. For audio, please call: Code:
How Do I Have A Peaceful Non-certification? 7. Allow the trainee to respond. 8. If necessary, restate your reasons for non-certification. 9. Restate the positive qualities you’ve noticed in the trainee. 10. Offer options in place of non-certification. 11. Ask the person if they’d like to stay for the rest of the training. 12. Tell the person you will need their training materials before training ends. For audio, please call: Code:
Best Practices When Having A Peaceful Non-certification O Always have someone with you. O Do a peaceful non-certification the morning of the last day of training BEFORE training begins. O Thank the person for their commitment to participate. O Allow the person to be heard and be firm with your decision. O Offer options. O Debrief the group if the person decides to leave. For audio, please call: Code:
Different Levels of Responsibility For audio, please call: Code: State Trainers NAMI Affiliate or State PD NAMI State Organization NAMI
1. NAMI State Trainers O Collect all documentation related to the issue or behavior that is concerning O Have a conversation with the NAMI State or Affiliate Program Director hosting the training to relay information about the inability to certify the trainee O If non-certification is deemed necessary, sit down with the trainee and explain the rationale for the decision following the 12-step process O Document the decision For audio, please call: Code:
2. NAMI State or Affiliate Program Director O Discuss with the State Trainers their reason(s) for non-certification O Discuss volunteer opportunities, future trainings (if appropriate), or other possibilities with the trainee O If the State Trainers decide on provisional certification, the NAMI State or Affiliate PD should determine the next steps to be taken post-training, with guidance from the Trainers For audio, please call: Code:
3. NAMI State Organization O Reinforce the decision, if needed O Assist by providing mediation between the trainee and the NAMI Affiliate or State PD O Notify the appropriate NAMI Program Manager at NAMI about the situation For audio, please call: Code:
4. NAMI O Provide guidance to the NAMI State Organization when needed O Reinforce the authority of the NAMI State Organization to not certify any trainee according to the specific objective criteria listed above O Manage any complaints directed at NAMI as a whole For audio, please call: Code:
Peaceful De-certification Suzanne Robinson, Senior Program Manager NAMI Family-to-Family and NAMI Homefront For audio, please call: Code:
What is Peaceful De-certification? A conversation between a Program Director and a trained volunteer in which the volunteer is asked to take a break from teaching, presenting or facilitating. Depending on the severity of the situation, they may need to be formally de-certified. For audio, please call: Code:
Poll: Program Leader
What are Some of the Reasons a Volunteer Would be De-certified? O Refuses to maintain fidelity to the program O Refuses to adhere to Program Policies O Refuses to adhere to agreed-upon Group Guidelines O Refuses to follow the Code of Conduct O Threatens the group or his/her co-facilitator, teacher, or presenter For audio, please call: Code:
Different Levels of Responsibility For audio, please call: Code: Individual NAMI Affiliate NAMI State Organization NAMI
1. The Individual Providing Rationale for De-certification O Have a conversation with the NAMI Affiliate Program Director or Executive Director relaying information about the need to de-certify the individual O Collect all documentation related to the issue or behavior O This could be a co-facilitator, teacher or presenter For audio, please call: Code:
2. NAMI Affiliate O Investigate claims made for de-certification of the individual O If de-certification is deemed necessary, have a conversation with the individual explaining the rationale for the decision O Document the decision For audio, please call: Code:
3. NAMI State Organization O Reinforce the decision, if needed O Assist by providing mediation between the individual and the NAMI Affiliate O Notify the appropriate NAMI Program Manager at the NAMI about the situation For audio, please call: Code:
4. NAMI O Provide guidance to the NAMI State Organization when needed O Reinforce the authority of the NAMI State Organization to de-certify any program volunteer if deemed necessary, according to the specific objective criteria listed above O Manage any complaints directed at NAMI as a whole For audio, please call: Code:
In both non-certification and de-certification, remember: O Know the facts about what happened and what needs to happen O Have documentation prepared and readily available O Do not get caught up in the emotions of the situation; this can easily derail the discussion O Focus on the facts of the particular incident or behavior that concerns you but don’t debate the details For audio, please call: Code:
In both non-certification and de-certification, remember: O Speak directly: “I am concerned about the following and this is why…” O Explain the consequences of the actions that concern you O Ask the person to talk about any difficulties they might be experiencing as a trainee or in their position as a volunteer program leader; often times these difficulties parallel the concerns held by the affiliate O Ask them if they remember the specific incident or behavior that initiated the concern For audio, please call: Code:
In both non-certification and de-certification, remember: O Keep it light so that the individual doesn’t feel exclusively at fault For audio, please call: Code:
Questions about non-certification and de-certification? Phone line is open For audio, please call: Code:
Other Conflict or Challenging Situations? For audio, please call: Code:
Poll : Next PD call
THANK YOU for your participation!