girl scouts river valleys Welcome to 2015 Early Bird Registration River Valleys will start the webinar at 12:00 p.m. Please mute your phone by pressing *1 on your telephone. Enter your name in the chat to record your attendance in today’s meeting. Call in information The webinar is being recorded and will be available in the near future on River Valleys website.
girl scouts river valleys 2015 Early Registration
girl scouts river valleys Housekeeping Please put your phone on mute by pressing *1 to mute. You may press *1 again to unmute. Record your attendance at the webinar by placed your name in the chat. Please enter questions at any time in the chat log. We will pause frequently throughout the webinar to respond to questions. If there are more than one participant calling in from your location, please have all participants enter their names into the chat log. We will begin recording the webinar now.
girl scouts river valleys Introductions Janet Gracia, VP Membership Support Kathy Hoffman, Training Specialist Marianne Thompson, Director of Membership Recruitment If you are joining the webinar in progress, we will pause for a brief welcome in a few slides.
girl scouts river valleys Dates and Incentives Saturday, April 12 – Friday, June 6 All members who participate in Early Bird registration will qualify for two incentives A free Atlantic Puffin patch. A monthly River Valleys shop discount ed to individual members. If you are joining the webinar in progress, we will pause for a brief welcome in a few slides.
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Registrar Survey Results – sharing your feedback Registrar survey sent in early February Survey sent to 118 registrars. 36 registrars responded. 85% of registrars are satisfied with their role First two questions regarding most of registrar’s time and most valuable tasks ranked the same— –Assisting new members with registration –Assisting current members with registration Examples? Please use annotation tools.
girl scouts river valleys Please give examples of how you assist with registration:
girl scouts river valleys Registrar Survey Results – sharing your feedback Most important responsibilities were ranked as follows: Top three: 1.Assist with troop placement and 1.Maintain a SU roster (tied) 2.Assist troops/Juliettes with registration 3.Early Bird Registration distribution Early Bird Patch distribution –67% of registrars enjoy or value their role in distribution early bird patches Motivation and Other ways registrars assist –Discount in RV shop –Supporting new leaders
girl scouts river valleys Give examples of how your support new leaders:
girl scouts river valleys 2015 Early Bird Registration - Goals 50% participation and membership completion of all girls and volunteers in the Service Unit. Identify 2014 troop leadership who are not continuing in their volunteer role during the 2015 membership year. Engage with families of girls in troops who are disbanding regarding ongoing Girl Scout opportunities. Provide families with direct opportunities to participate in Early Bird registration.
girl scouts river valleys Patches Patches will be distributed through Service Unit Registrars or designated Service Unit volunteers. Patches will be mailed directly to Service Unit Registrars or Service Unit Managers the week of April 7 th. Service Unit volunteers will receive weekly updates starting the week of April 21st identifying girls and volunteers who have participated in Early Bird registration. If you are joining the webinar in progress, we will pause for a brief welcome in a few slides.
girl scouts river valleys River Valleys shop incentive All members who participate in Early Bird Registration will be eligible to receive a monthly discount in the shop. The discount will be on specific featured items each month, sent as a monthly beginning the month after the member registers. The s will begin in May 2014 and end April In order to be eligible for the May discount, members must register in April. The incentive will be given to individuals rather than troops. If you are joining the webinar in progress, we will pause for a brief welcome in a few slides.
girl scouts river valleys Questions? You may unmute your phone by pressing *1 or type your question into the chat
girl scouts river valleys Program Theme: Atlantic Puffin Fun Facts The Atlantic puffin lives in the North Atlantic. The average Atlantic puffin stands about 10 inches tall and weighs about 17.5 oz. Atlantic puffins spend most of their lives at sea, but return to land to form breeding colonies during spring and summer. Atlantic puffins are carnivores. Their diet consists of small fish like herring or sand eels. Puffins can carry several fish back to their nest at a time, with an average of 10 fish per trip.
girl scouts river valleys Volunteerism Project In partnership with the volunteer committee work has been completed researching volunteer recruitment and retention resources. Ensuring a smooth volunteer onboarding process for new and existing volunteers identified as a key priority. Research identified a need to connect directly with families with specific Girl Scout messages. Early Bird is one of many opportunities to connect with families.
girl scouts river valleys Welcome to participants joining us in progress: Thank you for joining the 2015 Early Bird registration webinar. As a reminder please mute your phone by pressing *1. This webinar is being recorded and will be available on River Valleys website in the near future.
girl scouts river valleys 2015 Early Registration Process
girl scouts river valleys Saturday, April 12 All registered adult members will receive an from River Valleys. will invite the volunteer to self identify volunteer roles for 2015 membership year. After selecting volunteer roles, the adult member will be directed to online registration.
girl scouts river valleys Volunteer Renewal
girl scouts river valleys Volunteer Terms and Conditions
girl scouts river valleys Ebiz Please note: Early Bird Registration will be the only opportunity during the 2015 membership year for troops to register through a troop roster and families through family registration.
girl scouts river valleys Online Membership Completion Troop leaders will be encouraged via and by Service Unit volunteers to register girl members while renewing adult membership. Once membership is completed through ebiz volunteers will receive a “thank you” . Volunteer will receive no additional s regarding the Renewal process. Volunteer names and positions will be listed on reports provided to Service Unit volunteers weekly.
girl scouts river valleys Following April 12 th When volunteers don’t respond to initial , a follow- up will be sent April 22 nd. Service Unit volunteers are asked to connect with troop volunteers to encourage participation in Early Bird and responding to prompt and renewing membership. Volunteer troop leaders can contact River Valleys Customer Care at to request a troop roster renewal form. Service Unit volunteers can direct troop leaders to Troop Support for help in completing the Early Bird registration process.
girl scouts river valleys Background Check - Renewal Volunteers who have not completed a background check in prior years or have not completed a background check in three or more years will be asked to complete the background check online following 2015 membership completion.
girl scouts river valleys Orientation Volunteers who have not completed Orientation will be asked to complete Orientation. Orientation is an online training that is approx. 10 minutes. River Valleys will ask all volunteers who are renewing membership and completing the background check to re- take Orientation. On average volunteers will complete a Background Check and Orientation every three years.
girl scouts river valleys Questions? You may unmute your phone by pressing *1 or type your question into the chat
girl scouts river valleys Girl Membership Renewal – May 15
girl scouts river valleys Ebiz Please note: Early Bird Registration will be the only opportunity during the 2015 membership year for troops to register through a troop roster and families through family registration.
girl scouts river valleys Following May 15 Families who do not respond to the initial will receive a follow-up May 25 Service Unit volunteers will be notified weekly as girls participate in Early Bird Registration. Service Unit volunteers will support patch distribution to all girls who complete registration prior to June 6 th. All families who have not participated in Early Bird Registration will receive one final prior to June 6 th.
girl scouts river valleys Early Registration – Focus areas for SU Registrars Educate and promote to volunteers of Early Bird timing and process April 12: to all registered adult members encouraging renewal from GSRV Support Troop Leaders in completing troop membership April 22: Volunteers who have not completed renewal receive second from GSRV Connect with volunteers who have not re- registered April 29: All adult members not renewed receive third and final from GSRV Submit all paper registrations; patch distribution, notify Service Unit Support team of known troops disbanding
girl scouts river valleys Paper Registration Forms 2015 Paper registration forms will not be included in the SU supplies mailed the week of April 7 th Paper registration forms will be available at Service Centers, online, and by ordering from Office Max. Service Unit volunteers are encouraged to support volunteers in completing membership renewal online for timely response and Early Bird shop incentive. Any paper registration forms collected by the Service Unit should be turned in immediately to ensure all members qualify for the Early Bird monthly shop incentive.
girl scouts river valleys Resources for Volunteers and Families
girl scouts river valleys Early Bird Registration – next steps Service Unit volunteers will receive patches, paper FAQ, and process map via mail the week of April 7 th. Service Unit volunteers connect with current troop leaders regarding the Early Bird timeline and benefits of participation. Information including a copy of this webinar will be available on River Valleys website; Thursday, April 3.
girl scouts river valleys 2015 Troop Catalog Development Service Unit Support Specialists meeting with SU volunteers in March and April. Service Unit volunteers will identify opportunities for new and existing troops within the Service Unit. Service Units will be provided with membership goals and new troop goals for 2015.
girl scouts river valleys Service Unit Troop Catalog form - sample
girl scouts river valleys Troop Catalog view – 2014 and 2015 troops
girl scouts river valleys What makes you excited about 2015 Early Bird?
girl scouts river valleys Questions? Thank You for participating in today’s webinar and supporting Early Bird Registration If you have additional questions please call customer care at