April 7 & 8, 2015 Conference Call: Participant Code: #
WebEx Procedures Mute Phones Q&A Chat Agenda Saving Responses Navigating Between Sessions Ending/Submitting Tests Number of Items per Session Recent Updates Reminders
Test items will save after a response is entered. Grid and Equation items: Saved when navigating to the next or previous item, saving, pausing. Students have a Save button on technology- enhanced items. A student’s test is also saved when a student clicks Pause.
Student Must view each item in order May skip items Last item in Session/Segment, click Next Brought to Review Screen May Review, will Pause test on this screen Overnight Pause Rule – locked out of Session 1 Day 2 – Brought back to Review screen, TA approves into Session/Segment 2
Test Administrator Approve students into the test Watch for unexpected requests for approvals Check Student Status and Test Settings area carefully Prior to Session 2 or 3, students will request approval for entry into the next segment If student pauses within a segment, s/he will need to be approved into the segment again
When students test sessions on the same day, they will not be automatically moved to next session/segment.
End Test button Will appear after student views last question in last session/segment Will take student to the Review screen for that session/segment Student can review responses (including unanswered and flagged) before selecting Submit
In the top banner, TDS will show number of items completed out of the TOTAL number in the test (not the session) FDOE distributed # of items per session TA Interface also shows progression with total number of items Completed = Visited, not answered (progress)
When leaving Session 1 (or leaving Session 1 and 2), students select PAUSE on the Review screen. When leaving the last session, students select End Test.
One notepad for entire Reading Test (use CBT Worksheet) Listening items – audio playback feature iPad configuration document Student Inactivity Timer– 59 minutes Will get an “Are you still there?” prompt before they are logged out Student may log back in Student crash – need to sign back into same Session ID if under 2 hours
Oral Presentation Instructions for Reading Paper reference sheets for Mathematics No text-to-speech for Reading, Mathematics, and EOC TA can point students to Help Guide or Tutorials to address questions about functionality CBT Workfolders – Session 2 and 3
When do Writing make-up tests need to be completed? All CBTs completed by Thursday, 4/9, 5:00pm ET Sessions 2 &3 on same day, do TAs have to start a new session? No, the TA does not have to start a new session; to follow the script, the students should pause and log back in.
Will the student need to Pause if they use the same Session ID? No, don’t have to, but to follow the script, students should pause. Session 2 and 3 on the same day – script modifications? Will send the edits covered on the webinar with page numbers. Is the TA the only one who can see the student progress? Yes.
Will we post this PowerPoint? Yes, we will post the PPT and a recording of this meeting. Is there a lag between TDS and ORS? There could be, will have to see in operational testing. Opt-Out Students – do they need to sign back in after inactivity timer times out? Local decision, they will get locked out of the session either way.
How do we send in PBT makeups? Instructions distributed yesterday in Susie’s . Return anything else during normal pickups. Final Session – what happens if student has not paused? They will be paused when the TA ends the session. Student Crash – If the session is stopped by TA? Can sign back in with same TA in a new session. Can the TA see number of completed items? Just shows progress.
If students go to lunch? Students should Pause and can log back in to same session or a new session. TA Interface timeout = 90 minutes. If a student does not choose “End Test” how will it be submitted? At the end of the test window, the student’s test will be pushed to Completed/Reported.
If notes and highlighting are lost after a Pause, can we secure the room and not Pause during a break? If under 59 minutes, this is a possibility. ORS – Test completion reports change? Yes, just has started and completed numbers. When will PBTs show up in ORS? ORS participation and completion reports do not show PBT tests.
Notepad for ELA Reading? One global notepad for entire test, both sessions.