Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar Army OneSource Resource Center Combat to Communities Webinar Welcome Engaging Faith Communities An Integrated State Plan Top experts discuss effective strategies and methods to help connect with and engage Service members and Veterans
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 2 Our purpose… Participants in this AOS web event will leave with a deeper understanding of… – The need to develop a comprehensive state-level plan to engage Faith Communities to increase the support capacity for Service members, Veterans and Families – How the state of Alabama is working to create a “Unified Support System” to make a collective impact – How the state of Alabama successfully utilized the “Alabama Veterans Well-Being Military Conference” and how this can be replicated in other states Engaging Faith Communities An Integrated State Plan
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar Structure Focused comments from experts Specifics from their point of view Polling You Finding the “temperature” of the group Asking Questions Watching for your written questions Send To: "Organizers Only" Follow-up and evaluation Ask for what YOU want or expect Ideas and examples added to the AOS Resource Center 3 Use the chat function to ask a question. Our format…
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 4 Presenters Pete McCall MG Doug Carver Rev. Dr. John Oliver Jon Mason Rev. Dr. Clifford JonesRev. Dr. Tom Tippett Toby Warren Moderator
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar Instant Poll 5
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 6
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 7 Instant Poll Starting the discussion… POLL QUESTION : When you consider your state as a whole, how active do you see the faith community in supporting Service members, Veterans and their Families? 1.Very active and engaged in nearly all communities 2.Somewhat active in several communities 3.Mostly active around military installations 4.A few active congregations, not a significant % statewide
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 8 1.Public/Private Sector collaboration 2.Building a State-Level Response 3.Examples of what is working; a National Perspective 4.The “Alabama Experience” 5.The Ameri Ministerial Veterans Leadership Alliance Panel Discussion Highlights…
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 9 Presenters Pete McCall MG Doug Carver Rev. Dr. John Oliver Jon Mason Rev. Dr. Clifford JonesRev. Dr. Tom Tippett Toby Warren Moderator
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar Rev. Dr. John Oliver Chief, Chaplain Service Durham VA Medical Center 10 VA Perspective 1. Stigma 2. Civilian Camouflage 3. Partnership Opportunities
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar Major General Doug Carver Former Chief of Chaplains US Army Highlights include: 1.National Perspective 2.Service member needs 3.Clergy needs 11
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 12 QUESTIONS Use the chat function to ask a question. Please submit questions or comments for our panelists using the Chat Function Send To: "Organizers Only“
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar 13 Closing Thoughts ALABAMA TEAM Jon MasonRev. Dr. Clifford JonesRev. Dr. Tom Tippett Toby Warren
Behavioral Health | Finance | Legal | Faith Based Combat to Communities Webinar For More Information Closing Comments and Reflections Please watch for and complete the evaluation you will get about this webinar. 14