Reporting 2013 Emissions Inventories
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 Introduction Introduction Mark Gibbs 2
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 Housekeeping, etc. Emergency exits… Emergency exits… If you want to take a break… If you want to take a break… Cell Phones – Please mute Cell Phones – Please mute If you want to ask a question… If you want to ask a question… By all means, ask!By all means, ask! Please follow up with us if you have a specific question about a rule or facilityPlease follow up with us if you have a specific question about a rule or facility 3
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 The Emissions Inventory Section Mark Gibbs, Manager Mark Gibbs, Manager Cooper Garbe Michelle Horn Cody Lathrop Cody Lathrop Justin Milton Carrie Schroeder addresses and other contact info at: 4
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 This Morning’s Agenda Introduction – Mark Gibbs Introduction – Mark Gibbs What is an Emissions Inventory? – Carrie Schroeder What is an Emissions Inventory? – Carrie Schroeder General Issues and Reporting Guidance – Mark Gibbs General Issues and Reporting Guidance – Mark Gibbs BREAK How to Calculate Your Emissions – Cooper Garbe How to Calculate Your Emissions – Cooper Garbe Live Redbud Demonstration – Justin Milton Live Redbud Demonstration – Justin Milton Q&A Q&A 5
Emissions Inventory Workshop In Your Registration Packet Presentation Handouts Presentation Handouts Appendix O - Toxic Air Contaminants Appendix O - Toxic Air Contaminants Appendix P - Regulated Air Pollutants Appendix P - Regulated Air Pollutants RAP Reporting Flowchart RAP Reporting Flowchart Emissions Inventory Acronyms Emissions Inventory Acronyms Practice Calculations Practice Calculations Emissions Inventory “Cheat Sheet” Emissions Inventory “Cheat Sheet” Feedback Form Feedback Form
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 The Emissions Inventory Reporting Cycle JanMarFebAprMayJulJunAugSepOctNovDecNovDecJanMarFeb Redbud upload TAD preparation Bulk of 2013 inventories received Invoices based on 2012 data sent out Late invoices sent out Companies notified RO changes updated 2013 NEI preparation completed Submission deadline for 2013 NEI data Main QC work on 2013 data 30-day extension inventories received Redbud passwords, TAD’s dispatched Annual workshops 7
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 What’s New for 2013 Reporting? Revisions to OAC 252:100-5, including the new Permit by Rule (PBR) inventory requirements Revisions to OAC 252:100-5, including the new Permit by Rule (PBR) inventory requirements New minimum emission amount reporting guidance New minimum emission amount reporting guidance Online Redbud training videos now available Online Redbud training videos now available Continued need to improve data quality Continued need to improve data quality CROMERR (electronic signature requirements) CROMERR (electronic signature requirements) Not yet required for Emissions Inventory reportingNot yet required for Emissions Inventory reporting Same password sent to Responsible Official as in previous yearsSame password sent to Responsible Official as in previous years 8
Greenhouse Gas Reporting 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Suppliers of fossil fuels or industrial greenhouse gases (GHG), manufacturers of vehicles and engines, and facilities that emit 25,000 metric tons or more per year of GHG emissions are required to submit annual reports to EPA Pollutants: carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ), nitrous oxide (N 2 O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC), sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 ), and other fluorinated gases including nitrogen trifluoride (NF 3 ) and hydrofluorinated ethers (HFE) Emissions Inventory Workshop
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Federal requirement – DEQ is not involved in the implementation or reporting of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program Resources Available Include: Applicability Tool Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) Emissions Inventory Workshop
EPA’s GHG Reporting Program Emissions Inventory Workshop
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 Site Specific Questions? Remember: Remember: Air Quality Rules Always Apply 13
Emissions Inventory Workshop 2014 Please Complete Before You Leave 14