Presenter Date presented Movie Maker
By clicking on the “Tasks” button you will be able to view a variety of options for you to begin your project
Click on the “Import video” “Import pictures” or simply drag and drop your media into the “Collection” area
To edit your movie, drag and drop the media to the timeline below.
To delete certain sections of the movie, move the blue “scrubber” line to the desired location. Hit “Ctrl L” or from the menu choose “Clip” then “Split”
Your movie has now been segmented into 2 different parts. Split the clip again at the desired location. When you are ready to delete. Click on the segment you wish to take out and hit delete on your keyboard.
To mute the audio, highlight the clip. Click “Clip” “Audio” and then “Mute” Repeat for each segment you want muted
To narrate your timeline, click “Tools” then “Narrate Timeline” When you are ready to begin click “Start Narration” After you are finished save the narration
To create special effects, click “Tools” then “Video effects” Here you will have a variety of options such as sepia, film age, smudge, etc. When you find the desired effect, drag and drop in on top of the chosen segment
To create special transitions between segments or pictures, click “Tools” then “Video transitions” Here you will have a variety of options such as dissolve, checkerboard, page turn, etc. When you find the desired effect, drag and drop in- between the 2 segments.
To create picture slide show, drag and drop all the selected images in the program. To make a picture display for a longer amount of time, grab hold of the side of the image in the timeline and stretch it out. Add transitions and effects.
If you would like to stop and resume editing later, click “File” “Save Project” This will allow you to save it as a “Windows Movie Maker File” so that you can make changes later. If you are finished, click “File” “Save as Movie File” Remember to “Save Project” several times throughout your editing process to ensure that you do not lose work.