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Online Evaluation (MysteryQuest Wiki Page) MysteryQuest Handout (Notes)
Locate the city in New York where the other site(s) are located.
Research answers for your site (20 minutes) Present your site (5 mins. each site = 30 mins.) Research the mystery city (20 minutes) Answers and Reveal (10 minutes) Debrief and Evaluation
1.Name at least 2 important street names in your immediate vicinity. 2.When was this city established? 3.What is the latitude and longitude of your city or town?
1.Give a clue about a tourist attraction in your city or town. Illustrate if possible. 2.What body of water is nearest to your city or town? 3.Describe one or more notable physical landforms in or near this city. 4.Name a popular local restaurant in or near your city or town.
1.What is the major industry/ employer of your town or city? 2.In what ways have people modified the environment of this city? 3.Is this area “famous” for anything?
1.What is the most common form of transportation for people within your city? 2.Name one radio station that is popular in your area. 3.How are goods exported from this city?
1.Which direction from New York State’s capital do you travel to reach your city? 2.Name at least one county that borders the county where your city is located.