Eighth United States Army Headstart Program
Headstart is a 5-Step Program 1.Sponsorship 2.Welcome & Orientation 3.Local Area Orientation 4.Sustainment 5.Joint Security Area References: USFK & Eighth Army Regs
STEP #1 Sponsorship RESPONSIBILITY: Commanders implement the program GOAL: Orient inbound personnel to the theater & Korean culture prior to arrival When practical, mail sponsorship package to inbound personnel Continued improvement through 8 th PERSCOM S-GATE Web Page
STEP #2 Welcome & Orientation Commanders are responsible to ensure all new personnel are properly welcomed New personnel will receive an initial orientation briefing 48 hours after arriving in the theater
STEP #2 Welcome & Orientation (Cont.) Personnel will view two videos (“Keeping the Peace” & “Tour of Duty”) New arrivals will receive: –Eighth Army Standards Handbook –Status of Forces (SOFA) Card –Korean Customs Handout –Welcome to Korea – PAO Guide –Current KORUS Magazine –Counterpart Guide for Korea (Field Grade Officers & Senior NCOs) –Communicating with Koreans Handout –Eighth Army Emergency Information/Phone Number Card
STEP #3 Local Area Orientation MSC & ASG Commanders will conduct local area orientations Mandatory for all service members & DA civilians Highly encouraged for family members Local area orientation briefings include: –EO –Community Relations –Local community representative
STEP #4 Sustainment Training Conducted Quarterly Tailored for local communities & commands Commanders emphasize how to avoid the “ugly American” behavior
STEP #5 Joint Security Area (JSA) Optional Commanders should encourage personnel to take the tour within 90 days of arrival May use government transportation to minimize the cost of the tour No charge for exercise augmentees USO tours offered for family members