Information Society Technologies CPA 10 “Sensor technologies and applications” in WP 2002, Call 8 Rainer Gnzler Rainer Günzler DG Information Society European Commission
IST, WP 2002, Eighth Call, CPA 10 slide #2 IST-Programme Structure KA1 Systems & services for the citizen KA3 Multimedia content & tools KA2 New methods of work & Electronic Commerce KA4 Essential technologies & infrastructure Cross Programme actions Research networking Future & emerging technologies CPA 10
IST, WP 2002, Eighth Call, CPA 10 slide #3 CPA10 Sensor technologies and applications Following CPA 10 “Next generation micro- and nanotechnologies” in WP 2001 Following CPA 10 “Next generation micro- and nanotechnologies” in WP 2001 advanced workadvanced work build on and extend work in:build on and extend work in: Key Action IV, Key Action I, FET,DG-Research “highly pervasive” (prime rationale for CPA)“highly pervasive” (prime rationale for CPA) combine cross- and multi-disciplinary participantscombine cross- and multi-disciplinary participants
IST, WP 2002, Eighth Call, CPA 10 slide #4 CPA10 Sensor technologies and applications Objectives Objectives - foster development of interactive systems and multi-sensing technologies - foster development of interactive systems and multi-sensing technologies - bridging developments in micro-nano-sensors with research in innovative applications (stimulate interdisciplinary work) - bridging developments in micro-nano-sensors with research in innovative applications (stimulate interdisciplinary work) Domains Domains health, mobility, security, comfort, environment health, mobility, security, comfort, environment at work, at home... at work, at home...
IST, WP 2002, Eighth Call, CPA 10 slide #5 CPA10 Sensor technologies and applications Focus Focus new leading edge applications using improved low cost sensor and actuator technologiesnew leading edge applications using improved low cost sensor and actuator technologies Customisation of sensors, actuators, microsystemsCustomisation of sensors, actuators, microsystems Integration of sensors and actuators with interface middleware and their applicationIntegration of sensors and actuators with interface middleware and their application Foster the interaction and convergence of different disciplinesFoster the interaction and convergence of different disciplines
IST, WP 2002, Eighth Call, CPA 10 slide #6 CPA10: Sensor technologies and applications Types of actions addressed R&D: R&D: –feasibility of technology, proof of concepts –enhancement of capabilities, industrialization Demonstration: Demonstration: –proof the viability of new technologies offering potential economic advantage but which cannot be commercialized directly Trials: Trials: –evaluation of promising, yet not fully established technologies & solutions Thematic networks and concerted actions: Thematic networks and concerted actions: – prepare future targeted research initiatives (FP6)
IST, WP 2002, Eighth Call, CPA 10 slide #7 CPA10 Sensor technologies and applications Commission CPA 10 team: Co-ordination - General Information:Rainer Guenzler, Dirk Beernaert Key Action I - Sys. & serv. for the citizenAndreas Lymberis, Sofie Norager Key Action II - New meth. of work & e-comTeresa de Martino Key Action IV - Essential techn. & infrastr.Dirk Beernaert, Alejandro Sanchez- Grueso, Rainer Guenzler, FETPierpaolo Malinverni