3.2.A1a Slide 1 Fractions of an Inch
3.2.A1a Slide 2 Fractions of an Inch 01
3.2.A1a Slide 3 Fractions of an Inch 1/2 01
3.2.A1a Slide 4 Fractions of an Inch 1/2 1/4 2/4 3/4 01
3.2.A1a Slide 5 Fractions of an Inch 1/2 1/4 2/4 3/4 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 10
3.2.A1a Slide 6 Measuring in Inches Find the length of the following items in inches:
3.2.A1a Slide 7 Measuring in Inches Find the length of the following items in inches:
3.2.A1a Slide 8 Measuring in Inches Find the length of the following items in inches:
3.2.A1a Slide 9 Measuring in Inches Practice with your team!! Simultaneous Round Table Directions: 1.Complete the first measurement problem on your own paper. 2.At your teacher’s signal, pass your paper clockwise to your teammate. 3.Compete the next measurement problem on the new paper. 4.Continue rotating and measuring as directed!! 5.We’ll check our answers together when finished!
3.2.A1a Slide 10 Real-World Applications Joe is fixing a shelf and needs a screw that is 1 1/4 inch long. Help Joe decide which screw he should choose by measuring.
3.2.A1a Slide 11 Measuring in Inches Practice with your team!! Measurement Dominoes