Progress report on human resources reform
Background Commitment of the Eighth Replenishment: further implementation of the HR reform December 2008: presentation to the EB of aims, objectives and deliverables for December 2009: progress report presented to the EB
Expected outcomes for HR reform during the Eighth Replenishment A workforce with high levels of engagement and motivation A more flexible workforce A more diversified workforce with different and enhanced skills and knowledge Competitive conditions of service and more efficient and more cost-efficient compensation, benefits and entitlements Deliverables in as per Progress report on human resources reform – a people strategy for IFAD (Document EB 2009/98/R.18)
What are we reporting on? Strategic workforce planning External assessment of salaries and benefits Staff recruitment and retention Staff rules and HRPM Performance management Staff development and training Strengthening management of HR Staff release or separation HR reform continued: deliverables for
Strategic workforce planning A planning tool A synchronization of our strategic requirements with our workforce needs A two-phase process -A stock-taking exercise: completed -A planning and rolling document: being developed A full analysis and next steps to be presented separately
External assessment of salaries & benefits Commissioned by the EB Conducted by an independent firm Results and recommendations to be discussed by the EB separately
Staff recruitment and retention Amendment of recruitment and selection of staff (PB/2010/07) PB being further amended to reflect lessons learnt Reintroduction of rosters Improved vacancy management Target of 100 days surpassed in some recent cases –Lowest achieved is 47 days –Average at 110 days (Improvement over days) –Average expected to decrease with the use of rosters Improved HR management of ICOs –20 IFAD contracts issued –18 IFAD contracts in progress Review of redeployment, rotation and promotion guidelines and policies
Staff rules and HRPM Approved by the EMC and being edited for consistency 5 chapters out of 12 already reviewed by the EMC HR rules and at least 5 chapters expected to be release by year-end Documents to be web- based and available on-line by mid-2011
Performance management ePES transformed from Performance Evaluation to Performance Enhancement System –Two-fold objective: Performance assessment and staff development 360 degree feedback streamlined and launched: to be completed on December 17, 2010 Global Staff Survey, including the Staff Engagement Survey completed –Improved Staff Engagement Index from 68.4 in 2009 to 69.4 in 2010 Global Staff Survey being fully reviewed to be streamlined: First quarter 2011
Staff development and training Centralized training model A total of 250 staff have benefited from training in 2010 Close inter-departmental collaboration, especially with PMD Corporate on-line induction programme developed and being tested for release, including to ICOs –First ICOs induction programme: First quarter 2011 Involvement at field/country level –HR modules being incorporated in ICOs training
Strengthening management of HR Reconfiguration of IFAD management implemented – a second phase initiated An ethics office established to strengthen the anti-harassment policy – Ethics Officer has been selected and is expected to join in February 2011 Improved communication with staff through ECSA, town hall meetings, divisional meetings Recruitment of substantive HR Director on-going As part of communication drive, regular updates provided to OMC for further sharing by directors with staff
Staff release or separation (Phase 1) Call for next cohort of VSP made and data being currently analysed for finalization –Twin-track approach –16 staff expressed interest No-cost extension requested CategoryWomenMenTotal Number% % % General Service Professional TOTAL DepartmentList Ex-EAD218 FAD437A545 OPV327B00 PMD218C655 Total
HR reform continued: deliverables for Strategic workforce plan –Temporary freeze of automatic salary increases –Freeze on hiring of new GS staff to contain the GS population –Improved management of professional to general service staff ratio –Job audit –Improved gender and diversity balance –Enhanced skills and knowledge (better job fit) –Improved ratio of Professional to General Service Staff Competitive and cost efficient staff compensation package –Feasibility to be completed (reported separately) Publication of web-based staff rules and HRPM Automation of HR processes –ePerformance –eRecruitment –Upgrade of Peoplesoft for human capital management –Automation of contractual management –Other HR processes
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