BCBH Vision We envision a Beaver County where all individuals with behavioral health needs can access a seamless system of care that is welcoming and emphasizes health promotion, prevention, early intervention, resiliency, recovery and rehabilitation. We see a system of care that prioritizes services and supports to our most vulnerable citizens. We strive to ensure a system of care built with the optimum participation of the stakeholders, employing evidence-based interventions, and stressing accountability, on-going evaluation, and performance improvement.
BCBH Mission Empowering those we serve to accomplish their goals, move forward in their recovery and connect, as they choose with family, friends and community. Ensuring a well coordinated quality workforce and provider network. Managing a county-wide system of services and supports that are collaborative safe, person-centered, effective, efficient Employing evidence-based treatment and the latest technology to offer continuously improving services and supports. Paying special attention to the needs of our most vulnerable citizens, including children, transition-age youth, adults, older adults and individuals with developmental delays, substance use disorders, serious mental illness, and co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. We need to know what you think!
Beaver County System of Care (SOC) Beaver County Behavioral Health (BCBH) is partnering with consumers, families, the provider community, natural supports, Value Behavioral Health, and the Commonwealth to build a comprehensive, continuous, integrated system of care (CCISC). We need to know what you think!
Beaver County wants a SOC that is: co-occurring capable trauma informed peer and family driven recovery/resiliency oriented committed to the integration of physical and behavioral health care culturally/linguistically competent focused on evidenced-based and best practice models community-based attentive to the importance of natural supports and issues, such as employment and housing dedicated to ongoing education and training for all partners prepared to make decisions based on data We need to know what you think!
TOP FIVE TRANSFORMATION PRIORITIES Last year we said: A reimbursement structure that supports and encourages evidence-based and recovery oriented services Implementation of Single Point of Accountability Community Support Plans for all individuals with serious and persistent mental illness Increase peer services and develop a consumer run business Reimbursement for services to incarcerated individuals We need to know what you think!
Comments for the new plan’s top five transformation priorities Please write your comments below: Tear out this page and give to the presenter Call BCBH at and ask for Nancy Jaquette or Jack Wallace (fax: ) Nancy at or Mail: BCBH, 1040 Eighth Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ We need to know what you think!
Top Five Funding Requests Last year we said: Consumer Business/Customized Employment Supports In-Home Supports Transportation Community Support Plans Outreach to special populations with an emphasis on older adults We need to know what you think!
Comments for the new plan’s top five funding requests Please write your comments below: Tear out this page and give to the presenter Call BCBH at and ask for Nancy Jaquette or Jack Wallace. (fax: ) Nancy at or Jack at Mail: BCBH, 1040 Eighth Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ We need to know what you think!
Beaver County Behavioral Health Services and Supports Things that work well in Beaver County are: _________________________________ Things that can be better: _________________________________ We need to know what you think!
Send comments or ideas on the BCBH Mental Health Plan to: Nancy Jaquette or Jack Wallace By phone: BY Fax: Mail: 1040 Eighth Avenue, Beaver Falls Nancy – or Jack – We need to know what you think!