Tudor children. By Sneha, Kazia and Rufus.
Babies. When babies were born, it was very common for them to get nasty diseases that led to death. So babies didn’t often survive.
What happened to the babies who survived? Babies were expected to keep still and quiet. They were wrapped in clothes like an Egyptian mummy (to keep their bones straight ) Babies were expected to keep still and quiet. They were wrapped in clothes like an Egyptian mummy (to keep their bones straight )
What children wore. Rich girls wore gold necklaces, black pinafores and long skirts. Rich girls wore gold necklaces, black pinafores and long skirts. Boys wore girls clothes until they were nine. Then they could wear their normal shirts and trousers Boys wore girls clothes until they were nine. Then they could wear their normal shirts and trousers Children usually wore mini versions of their parents clothes. Children usually wore mini versions of their parents clothes.
Schooling. Tudor children started school at the age of 4 and went to grammar school at the age of 7. It was very hard for them because in summer they would start school at six o’ clock till five o’ clock!!! In winter school started at 7 o’ clock till five o’clock Lunch was at 11o’clock and afternoon lessons lasted from 1 o’clock till 5 pm.
Girls’ Schooling It was normally boys who went to school, girls from rich families either got a home tutor or parents taught them. Girls from poor families did not get home tutors. Instead they had to learn how to handle housework.
Punishments at school. Punishments were very harsh in Tudor schools. If you were naughty, you would get 50 strokes of birch.(50 hits of wood). If you were wealthy, you could afford a special person called a whipping boy who was whipped on behalf of you.
Toys Nobody had many toys in Tudor times, not even the rich! VERY rich children may only had had one toy. All toys were hand made. On warm days children played with wooden hoops and balls made out of pigs bladders. Rich girls only had one doll!
What did Tudor children like to eat? All rich children ate a (kind of stew called) pottage. Potato was a vegetable they didn’t eat even though they were grown. They were not eaten for the next 200 years! Puddings were rare, only rich people could afford them.
School holidays. Tudor children only had 4 weeks holiday for the whole year. Two weeks in Christmas 2 weeks in Easter
Henry the eighth as a child. As a child, Henry the eighth was called Harry, because his farther was called Henry. So they didn’t get confused. As a child, Henry the eighth was called Harry, because his farther was called Henry. So they didn’t get confused. Henry (Harry) was very cheeky when he was young. He loved his music and dancing and he always ate LOADS! Henry (Harry) was very cheeky when he was young. He loved his music and dancing and he always ate LOADS!
Wow facts about Tudor children. A letter sent from the king said that all children won’t have to go school but at least know one skill. The boys only learnt Greek Religion and Mathematics Children had to know their prayers and ten commandments in their own language.
More WOW facts. TTTThe wealthy often left money for the foundations of schools as well as university and collages.
The End