2 EOC Graduation Policy High Stakes Policy District Test Coordinator Spring 2010 Pretest Workshop
3 End-of-Course Graduation Policy Assessment requirement – changes with 9 th grade class of Students must pass (Fair or higher) –English II or English III –Algebra I or Geometry –Biology or American History
4 Who is covered by this policy? Students who will enter the 9 th grade in –The scores for middle school students taking EOC tests will count toward the graduation requirement Students completing the College and Career Diploma (LA Core 4 Curriculum and Basic Core Curriculum) Students completing the Career Diploma
5 High Stakes Policy Act 276 of the 2009 Louisiana Legislative session By December 2009, the superintendent shall submit recommendations to BESE for expanding opportunities, in limited circumstances, for students who fail to meet the standard for promotion to grades five and nine. BESE shall pass the recommended changes in January 2010.
6 High Stakes Policy The Accountability Commission studied test data and relevant policy issues and made several recommendations. Major revisions to the policy are not necessary Do not require more than one year of retention. The decision to retain a student in the fourth or eighth grade more than once as a result of his/her failure to achieve the passing standard on the English language arts and mathematics components of LEAP shall be made by the LEA in accordance with the local Pupil Progression Plan.
7 High Stakes Policy The Accountability Commission studied test data and relevant policy issues and made several recommendations. Incorporate career diploma provisions. The student is at least 15 years of age or will attain the age of 15 during the next school year, scored at least the Approaching Basic level on the English language arts or mathematics component of the eighth grade LEAP test, and meets the criteria established by the Pupil Progression Plan of the LEA where the student is enrolled to enter the ninth grade for the purpose of pursuing a career diploma.
8 High Stakes Policy The Accountability Commission studied test data and relevant policy issues and made several recommendations. Take advantage of flexibility for placement and program of study for students in grade 8. Students who are repeating the eighth grade due to failure to achieve the passing standard on the eighth grade LEAP may take high school courses except any in a content area in which they scored Unsatisfactory on the eighth grade LEAP. These students may be housed on a high school campus or a middle school campus.
9 High Stakes Policy LEAs shall provide a fourth grade transitional program for students meeting the minimum criteria. Minimum criteria for placement into a fourth grade transitional program: –the student must score at the Approaching Basic/Approaching Basic achievement level on the English language arts and mathematics components of LEAP –the student must have met all requirements for promotion from the fourth grade as outlined in the local pupil progression plan; and –the student must participate in both the summer remediation program offered by the LEA and the summer retest.
10 High Stakes Policy Minimum criteria for promotion to the sixth grade from a fourth grade transitional program: –the student must be provided remediation in the subject area(s) on which the student scored below Basic on LEAP as well as instruction in the fifth grade curriculum. –the student must score a minimum of Basic/Approaching Basic on English language arts and math and a minimum of Approaching Basic/Approaching Basic on the in science and social studies on the fourth grade LEAP. –the student must have met all requirements for promotion from the fifth grade as outlined in the local Pupil Progression Plan.
11 Contact Information Nancy Beben Director, Division of Curriculum Standards