The Gospel According to Mark Author John Mark Son, Cousin,Disciple,Missionary,Co-laborer, Interpreter,Preacher/Evangelist,Martyr Son of MaryActs 12:12-17 Cousin of BarnabasCol 4:10 Disciple of the Apostles Barnabas, Paul Acts 12:25 MissionaryActs 13:1-5, 13:13, 15:36-41 Co-LaborerPhilemon 1:23-24, 2Tim 4:11 Interpreter for Peter1Peter 5:13 Preacher, EvangelistNelsons Illustrated Bible Dictionary MartyrCoptic Orthodox Church Network
The Gospel According to Mark Markan Hypothesis=Markan Priority MatthewMarkLukeJohn (58-68)(55-65)(60-68)(80-90) PalestineRomeGreeceEphesus JewsRomansGreeksUniversal Messiah the KingServantManGod LionOxManEagle
The Birth of John the Baptist
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah,
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus)
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus) July 13, 3BCThe 8 th course (Abijah) Zacharias would have finished duties
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus) July 13, 3BCThe 8 th course (Abijah) Zacharias would have finished duties July 13, 3BCElizabeth conceived John (Luke 1:24)
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus) July 13, 3BCThe 8 th course (Abijah) Zacharias would have finished duties July 13, 3BCElizabeth conceived John (Luke 1:24) Dec. 3BCMary conceived Jesus (Luke 1:26,36)
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus) July 13, 3BCThe 8 th course (Abijah) Zacharias would have finished duties July 13, 3BCElizabeth conceived John (Luke 1:24) Dec. 3BCMary conceived Jesus (Luke 1:26,36) April 2BCJuly 3BC + 9mos. John is born
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus) July 13, 3BCThe 8 th course (Abijah) Zacharias would have finished duties July 13, 3BCElizabeth conceived John (Luke 1:24) Dec. 3BCMary conceived Jesus (Luke 1:26,36) April 2BCJuly 3BC + 9mos. John is born Sept. 2BCDecember 3BC + 9mos. Jesus is born
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus) July 13, 3BCThe 8 th course (Abijah) Zacharias would have finished duties July 13, 3BCElizabeth conceived John (Luke 1:24) Dec. 3BCMary conceived Jesus (Luke 1:26,36) April 2BCJuly 3BC + 9mos. John is born Sept. 2BCDecember 3BC + 9mos. Jesus is born 29ADJohn and Jesus at 30 years of age enter their public ministries
The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5Angel announcement during division of Abijah 1 Chr 24:10The eighth to Abijah, August 5, 70ADTemple destroyed by Titus, 1 st course of Priests had taken office. (Recorded in the Talmud and Josephus) July 13, 3BCThe 8 th course (Abijah) Zacharias would have finished duties July 13, 3BCElizabeth conceived John (Luke 1:24) Dec. 3BCMary conceived Jesus (Luke 1:26,36) April 2BCJuly 3BC + 9mos. John is born Sept. 2BCDecember 3BC + 9mos. Jesus is born 29ADJohn and Jesus at 30 years of age enter their public ministries