TITLE DATE Discover Sailing Club Implementation Plan 2013 Part 8. The Sailing Pathway August 2013
Implementation Plan 2013 You should now be hearing sound – if not check your audio and ensure you are in slideshow (full-screen) mode This is Ross Kilborn, Sport Development Director at Yachting Australia This presentation is the eighth of 11 in the Discover Sailing Club Implementation Plan
The Monthly Topics Feb(1)Program Introduction & Purpose (2)Planning & Prioritising MarThe gemba Report AprilTackers Sailability MayDiscover Sailing Days Discover Sailing Hosts JuneDiscover Sailing Experiences & Courses JulySafety, Risk Management & Membership Protection AugThe Sailing Pathway SeptCrewing OctClub Promotion NovMeasuring Results DecSummary & Future Plan
Pathways in Sport Most sport structure the entry, progression, & retention of participants on a pathway Evidence & research based approach Recognition that participant’s skills, confidence, & commitment develop over time Needs & wants of participants are different at each stage Especially important for children who have additional age-related needs Misperception it’s about producing elite athletes Its about retention of everyone
Why does sailing need a Pathway? Retention To map out the diversity of options our sport offers Important to understand how to successfully transition participants from introductory programs to membership Assist in directing limited resources at the needs of participants – the things that will make a difference Help us understand & avoid attrition Brings all clubs and Centres together in achieving shared aims – recognising each club and Centre may cater for people on different stages of the Pathway
Three main Sailing Pathways 1)Recreational – primarily based around progression of beginners through to active ongoing club-based participation (usually as club members) 2)Development – a whole of sport Pathway that outlines progression from beginners through to pinnacle international success 3)Officiating Pathway – showing how club officials are developed to support the delivery of the sport
Participation & Development Pathways Majority of participants are found in levels 0-5 Important for clubs to recognise that most new participants want social/non-competitive participation Development Pathway (level 6 and above) is important for people who have the talent, ability, and commitment to excel in our sport - it maps their progression over a long period of time
Level 0. People’s first introduction to sailing Applicable to people of all ages and abilities Discover Sailing Day (delivered at any club) Discover Sailing Experience (at Discover Sailing Centres) Crewing
What is important at Level 0. ? Welcoming Able to participate with other beginners No requirement for club membership Boats supplied Simple information Great practical, hands-on, short duration activity Providing information about the next step
Levels 1-3: Discover Sailing Courses Discover Sailing Courses in dinghies, keelboats, powerboats, windsurfers Accredited Centres with qualified Instructors No requirement for club membership Boats provided Different levels of courses to build skills Introduction (Start) Intermediate (Better) Complete (Racing)
What’s important at Levels 1-3? Great quality instructors Instructor communicates The Sailing Pathway Safety & confidence Offering courses at every level & sequencing them to retain groups of participants Recognising the different needs of participants (adults, children, people of all-abilities) Making learning fun with the aim of retaining to the next level Social interaction
Level 4. Introductory racing / Green Fleet Very important to offer modified/simplified racing ISAF Simplified Rules Entirely separate from club racing Option to use club owned boats Social emphasis Can be a step to club racing but also an important ongoing level to offer to participants who don’t want to progress to club racing Critically important for junior & youth to prevent and manage burnout and drop out
What is important at Level 4. ? Participants benefit from ongoing support from instructors Participants enjoy socialising and developing their skills outside of a competitive environment Participants understand the next steps Ongoing social sailing and/or club racing are both progressions after Level 4 Children and adults participate separately
Level 5. Club racing Most clubs are effective at delivering club racing Involves a range of volunteers The Officiating Pathway is an option
Level 6. Club coaching Misperception club coaching is only for people who want to progress to elite performance Helps people who want to be more competitive in their club racing, State & National events, and international regattas Currently limited offering by clubs Delivered by qualified coach Great way to engage participants in giving sense of achievement and skill development Different from a course – coaching is NOT based on a syllabus
What is important at Level 6.? Qualified coach The golf or tennis pro! Program – which is structured to individual needs and develops performance for key regattas Offered in any type of boat but for those wanting to move to Level 7 and above in the recognised classes Considers the broader training needs of sailing such as strength and conditioning
Level 7 and above From Level 7 and above sailors are competing and training to be the best in the World Recognised classes High level of the sailor’s individual time and resources commitment Performance measured and monitored Involvement of State Institute and State Academies of Sport Success of the World stage to raise the public profile of the sport at all levels
Resources and further information Yachting Australia website – under Participation Diagrams Explanations Green Fleet Introductory Rules
Summary and Thanks Understanding and implementing the Sailing Pathway is one of the most important steps to retention Next month – Crewing