MI is K8!
Steps Continue with the current SIP, keep the NOW in sight Final Goals Final Tasks Align Tasks with Goals and create measurable Objectives Dashboard our Objectives Execute
SMART Goals/SIP 65% or more of students will perform at a Level III or IV on the NC EOG Reading test; 100% of students will meet or exceed expected growth as measured by predictive 2014 EVAAS data. 65% or more of students will perform at a Level III or IV on the NC EOG Math test; 100% of students will meet or exceed expected growth as measured by predictive 2014 EVAAS data. 70% or more of students will perform at a Level III or IV on the NC EOG Science test; 100% of students will meet or exceed expected growth as measured by predictive 2014 EVAAS data.
Goals Create a school that unites and leads the Mountain Island community through the active development of character and leadership skills, measurable academic excellence that is vertically aligned through all grades, cooperation of parents, students, faculty and administration and with respect for the diversity of our community.
Goals Build a positive school culture through effective communication and cooperation between the school and community, establishment of a safe and positive learning environment, building upon the successful history of the school while establishing new traditions and expectations and focusing on the wellbeing of the whole child.
Goals Ensure efficient, effective and visionary school leadership and the development of an involved and dedicated academic team that embraces the strengths of a K-8 school. Utilize project based STEM learning to challenge all students and to address the achievement gap by raising all students to higher levels of mastery and provide staff with the necessary professional development to expand success at Mountain Island.
Goals The creation of a K8 school that ensures a unique experience for the six through eighth grades that provides excellent academic growth, extensive opportunities for participation in extracurricular activities and cultivates a spirit of leadership for the school and community.
Goals Create and execute a highly detailed transition plan that addresses all areas including physical needs, academics, staffing, athletics, extracurricular opportunities and cultural development. Use the planning process to reach widely into the school and community for involvement and input.
Tasks Academics – Strengthen STEM – What Honors, Advanced Classes can be offered – Can we use technology or shared teachers to expand offerings – List of electives currently offered by CMS middle schools – Use of “set aside” time for acceleration, remediation, clubs, academic teams – How do we expand and incorporate the arts – Raise the performance of all students, high standards
Tasks Faculty Staff – What will be the allocation allotted (3 year projection) – Will there be a school resource officer – Identify and provide needed professional development – Selection of new teachers, blending of staff – “Kick off” for staff at the beginning of school year – Development of vertical planning into middle school
Tasks Athletics – Understand current opportunities – K8 League – Evaluate current facilities and identify needed upgrades – Identify possible expansion of opportunities – Identify “partner” middles school
Tasks Clubs, Organizations and Academic Teams – Evaluate current offerings – Explore opportunities that arise because of 6-8 – Prioritize additional offerings
Tasks Community (non parent) – Target and cultivate relationships with local business community – Identify and cultivate relationships with STEM businesses (Duke, Areva, Microsoft, etc.) – Cultivate relationships with Educational community (our adjacent schools, Hopewell, West Meck, UNCC, CPCC, Queens, etc.)
Tasks Parents – Education (beyond Parent University) – Increase Involvement, increase opportunities for involvement – Outreach into communities, HOA’s, faith community. A foot in every neighborhood – Communication – Accountability
Tasks Technology – What would the ultimate 1,2 and 3 year plan look like, how would we utilize technology – What professional development would be needed, associations formed – What technology would be required to accomplish the plan
Tasks Middle School Experience – What do our students perceive this to be – What do we see as the MI middle school experience – How do we put the framework in place to create this – Accentuate Leadership
Tasks School Culture/School Climate/School Pride – School Name – Logo – What is the current culture/climate, how does that change – Introduction of the “new Mountain Island” to the community (specific plan) – Revisit Mission Statement?
Tasks Logistics – Scheduling – Facilities – Start/end times – Events, when is it one event, when do we split Safety What changes need to be put into place
First Objectives Recommended revisions and additions to the Goals and Tasks to Joel by January 16. Final Goals and aligned Tasks to SLT by January 22