Brooke Wrobel Ms. Crawford Computers 7G 25 March 2014
Table of Contents Computers Math English Gym vs. Band Geography Drama & Choir Religion Spanish/French/ German Spanish/French/ German Reading Science
Computers Computers is an extra curricular class that is taught by Ms. Crawford. She teaches a wide variety that can range from typing to making PowerPoints. This class is offered from sixth grade to eighth.
Math Mr. Crupi teaches sixth honors, seventh, and seventh honors math; Mrs. Turk and Mrs. Wisser teach honors eighth grade math; Mrs. Sieloff teaches sixth and eighth grade math. They all challenge students to do their very best! That’s Mr. Crupi! There’s Mrs. Sieloff! And that’s Mrs. Wisser, I wish there was a picture of Mrs. Turk!
English Mrs. Turk and Mrs. Wisser both teach seventh honors, eighth, and eighth grade honors English; Ms. Winton-Smith teaches sixth and seventh grade English. Mrs. Turk works on Mondays and Tuesdays; Mrs. Wisser works on Wednesdays and Thursdays; they alternate Fridays. They’re all awesome teachers! This is Mrs. Wisser! Unfortunately, there were no pictures of Mrs. Turk. Look, there’s Ms. Winton- Smith!
Gym vs. Band Mr. Bessette teaches gym; which is also an extra curricular class. Gym allows you to receive the amount of exercise needed wile having tons of fun! Mr. Schneider teaches band class. It’s a really fun way to learn how to play instruments and lots of other things too! Students have a tough choice of gym for one semester of band for two.
Geography Ms. Surma teaches 6 th, 7 th, 8 th, and 8 th grade honors geography. Ms. Beattie and Mr. Kerr also, separately, teach 6 th grade geography. They teach everything from wars to provinces! There’s Ms. Surma! Too bad there wasn’t any pictures of Ms. Beattie. Yep…..Mr. Kerr is just chillin’!
Drama & Choir Mr. Schneider happens to teach both drama and choir; which are both extra curricular classes. He teaches you various fun things!
Religion Mrs. Ryan teaches six to eighth grade living scripture; Mrs. Sieloff teaches sixth grade religion; Mrs. Turnwald teaches sixth through eighth grade religion. They all provide a warm and safe environment to help you strengthen your faith with God. There’s Mrs. Sieloff getting some copies of a worksheet! That’s Mrs. Ryan standing by a beautiful statue of Jesus. Only if there was a picture of Mrs. Turnwald.
Spanish, French, or German Mrs. Pizzo teaches Spanish, French, and now German. You can pick one of the three languages given and by eighth grade, you’ll be able to speak it fluently! All of the languages are different extra curricular classes. I wish they had a picture of Mrs. Pizzo!
Reading Mrs. Frankovich teaches seventh and eighth grade reading; Mrs. Beattie teaches sixth grade reading. They both prepare you for high school and are great teachers! Look at Mrs. Frankovich! Too bad there weren’t any pictures of Ms. Beattie.
Science Mr. Kerr teaches sixth, seventh, and eighth grade science; Ms. Beattie teaches sixth grade also. They both teach you the important facts of science. That’s Mr. Kerr!!