Ninth Grade Scheduling
Scheduling Calendar End of January – Scheduling Presentations in Math Classes Thursday, January 30 th at 6:30 PM – Parent Information Night for Rising Ninth Graders at KIHS Middle of February – 8 th Grade Naviance Activities in Reading Classes End of February – 9 th Grade Scheduling Sessions in History Classes
A High School Schedule Semester OneSemester Two Period One Period Two Period Three Period Four Semester OneSemester Two Period One Period Two – A Period Two – B Period Three Period Four OR Each Class = 90 Minutes Hybrid Class = 45 Minutes
English You have two choices: English I English I Honors If your language arts or reading teacher believes you can succeed in the honors class, you will be recommended for this class.
Social Studies You have two choices: United States History Honors United States History If your social studies teacher believes you can succeed in the honors class, you will be recommended for this class.
Science You have two choices: Marine Life Science Honors Biology If you complete Algebra I in middle school, you are eligible to take Honors Biology.
Math If you are taking Math 8 in eighth grade… Algebra I This will be a yearlong hybrid course paired with United States History. Some students will be recommended to take an Algebra I Lab course for the second hybrid course.
Math If you are taking Algebra I in eighth grade… Algebra I You must take one class, but you can take two. Honors Geometry Honors Algebra II If your teacher has recommended you retake Algebra I: This will be a yearlong hybrid course paired with United States History.
Math If you are taking Geometry in eighth grade… You must take one class, but you can take two. Honors Algebra II Honors Pre-Calculus Honors Geometry Honors Algebra II If your teacher has recommended you retake Geometry:
Electives Foreign Language – French I, Spanish I, Spanish II, and Spanish III Principles of Business Administration Fine Art – Dance; Intro. to Theatre; Principles of Arts, Media, & Communication; Piano; Fundamentals of Art; and Ceramics I* Basic Technology – Foundations of Technology and Introduction to Engineering Design* Principles of Biomedical Science** Physical Education/Health Chorus and Band (yearlong hybrid classes paired with English I) *Can only be taken with a teacher recommendation **Can only be taken with Honors Biology
Alternates You need to choose two electives as “back up classes” in case you do not get scheduled into your requested courses.
High School Graduation Requirements Four English classes Three math classes (must take one class each year) Three science classes Three social studies classes One fine art class One technology education class PE/health class Four pathway courses Six elective classes Two advanced technology classes All students must earn at least 26 credits.
HS Pathways Academy of Health Profession* Accounting and Finance Administrative Services Agricultural Science* Automotive Technology Program* Biomedical Sciences Construction Design and Management Construction Maintenance: Welding* Construction Trades Profession: Carpentry* Construction Trades Profession: Masonry* Careers in Cosmetology* Firefighter and Emergency Medical Technician* Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Interactive Media Production Liberal Studies Hospitality and Tourism Program Marketing Performing Arts Pathway to Engineering Teacher Academy of Maryland Visual Arts *Transportation provided to QACHS