W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E From Data to Research Briefs: The Process, Challenges, and Findings Vivien Chen Education Research & Data Center (ERDC), Office of Financial Management May 21, 2014
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E DEL: Dept of Early Learning DOC: Dept of Corrections DSHS: Dept of Social and Health Services WSAC – Washington Student Achievement Council L&I: Labor and Industries OSPI: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction PCHEES: Public Centralized Higher Education Enrollment System SBCTC: State Board for Community and Technical Colleges WTECB: Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board Washington P20W data P-20W Information For Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Planners, Policy-Makers, Researchers Routine Reports, Research Briefs, Ad Hoc Analyses, Research Datasets Employment Security Industry, Hours, Earnings WTECB Career schools, Non-credit Workforce Programs L&I State Apprenticeships PCHEES Students, Courses, Degrees, Majors OSPI P-12 Students, Courses, Graduation, Teachers DEL ECEAP, Child Care, Providers DSHS Social Service Program Participants WSAC Financial Aid DOC Inmate Education SBCTC Students, Courses, Degrees, Majors
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Longitudinal perspective of data analytics
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Initiate a data-driven decision making process
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E ERDC research briefs under AARA SLDS grant Who leave teaching and where do they go? Postsecondary education enrollment patterns Early childhood program participation and K-12 Outcomes Washington Eighth Graders’ Educational and Employment Trajectories Washington teachers and their schools (temporary title) ( ) What we have been through
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Data used BriefData source sector Early learning K12Higher edWorkforceOthers WA public Private/ Out-state Postsecondary enrollmentXXX Early learningXX 8th grader longitudinalXXXDOC Teacher and schoolX
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Postsecondary education enrollment patterns Cohort of study: high school graduates Tracking length: through (5 years) Datasets: OSPI P-210, SBCTC, PCHEES, National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Total (column %) No EnrollmentEnrollment 2-Year Institution Enrollment 4-Year Institution Count (column %) % Count (column %) % Count (column %) % Total60,70317, %23, %19, % Postsecondary education enrollment patterns - Finding #1: 70% of High School Grads attend Post-Secondary
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Postsecondary education enrollment patterns - Finding #2: Two out of every three Grads attend only 1 institution, and 27% 2 institutions
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Postsecondary education enrollment patterns - Finding #3: 76% of Grads attend Post-secondary institutions in home state, 15% exclusively out-of-state, and 9% back and forth
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Postsecondary education enrollment patterns - Finding # 4: Majority of students stay in institution and 2-year promote up to 4-year
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Postsecondary education enrollment patterns: the process and challenges Inconsistent data availability across data sources Communication and understanding
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Early childhood program participation and K-12 outcomes Cohort of study: Children (most were 4-5 years old) who participated in ECEAP in the school year (2004 program year) Tracking length: The ECEAP children are followed through 3 rd grade (about 4-5 years) Datasets: DEL ECEAP program participants file, OSPI CSRS & state assessments
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E 2004 ECEAP children and K12 Linkage ECEAP Program year ECEAP Children (# of children in DEL ECEAP file) ECEAP Children Linked to K12 % Linked 2004 ( )6,8825,93487% Early childhood program participation and K-12 outcomes - Finding #1: 87% of ECEAP students can be linked to WA Public K12 system
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Early childhood program participation and K-12 outcomes - Finding #2: Of the ECEAP children who could be linked to K-12, 85% enroll in 3rd grade in the expected year
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Early childhood program participation and K-12 outcomes - Finding #3: For ECEAP children,74% of the age 4+ and 70% of the age <4 went directly to kindergarten and stayed continuously enrolled without being retained through 3 rd grade.
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Early childhood program participation and K-12 outcomes - Finding #4: 73% of the ECEAP children attended more than one school between the grades of kindergarten and 3 rd grade.
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Early childhood program participation and K-12 outcomes: The process and challenges Communications to align research outcomes Data mining is time consuming Adjust research plan to meet deadline
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E WA eighth grader’s educational and employment trajectories Cohort of study: 8 th graders enrolling in school year Tracking length: through (8 years) Datasets: OSPI P-210 & CSRS, SBCTC (including GED), PCHEES, UI Wage, Department of Correction records (DOC)
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E WA 8th grader’s educational and employment trajectories - Finding #1: 63% of 8th graders graduated from high school, 31% transferred out, and 5% dropped out NOTE: This does not represent a graduation rate. Washington State’s graduation rate is 73.5% for the class of 2010.
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E All cohortGraduateDropoutTransfer Continuous enrollment62%75%38%48% Dropout and transfer1%0%6%2% Ever dropout1%0%5%1% Ever transfer35%24%50%47% Others1% 2% Total100% Percent distribution of prior K12 enrollment patterns, by high school outcome WA 8th grader’s educational and employment trajectories - Finding #2: Before dropping out of high school, 50% of students who dropped out ever transferred and only 38% continuously enrolled
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Workforce outcomes for high school graduates, by postsecondary education status High School GraduatesCTC EnrolleesCTC Degree Recipients Enrolled 4-Year Enrolled CTC No Postsec With CTC Degree No CTC Degree Before Completion After Completion Median Annual Earnings$3,518$5,031$4,413$5,076$4,771$4,378$6,121 Median Hours Worked/Year WA 8th grader’s educational and employment trajectories - Finding #3: CTC degree completers earned higher median annual income than those enrolled without completing; CTC degree recipients earn more income after they received degree
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Workforce outcomes for eighth grade cohort members who dropped out All DropoutsGED Credential Recipients Without GED Credential With GED Credential Before GED Completion After GED Completion Median Annual Earnings$4,195$4,219$2,626$5,350 Median Hours Worked/Year WA 8th grader’s educational and employment trajectories - Finding #4: GED recipients’ median annual income double after they receive GED credential
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Participation in K-12 programs and GED credential completion status prior to incarceration for students who dropped out and were incarcerated in a DOC facility (Note: 6% of 8 th graders who dropped out were in DOC facility; the proportion distributions for total eighth grader cohort are in parentheses) WA 8th grader’s educational and employment trajectories - Finding #5: Among those who dropped out and were in a DOC facility, 42% received a GED credential, 57% eligible for FRPL, and 21% in special education
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E (Source: WA eighth grader’s educational and employment trajectories: The process and challenges Linking across multiple datasets Data mining Comparing results with other agency reports Communication with partner agencies Sensitivity of dropout and DOC study
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Washington teacher and school characteristics (forthcoming) Cohort of study: Teachers who worked in WA public K12 schools in through (4 cohorts of teachers) Tracking length: through (8 years) Datasets: OSPI SLDS staff tables, OSPI school and district characteristics from
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Washington teacher and school characteristics: The process and challenges Using SLDS data is a new experience Finding the keys to link across data tables Identifying schools that teachers actually served Simplicity is sometimes hard to do
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Expanded understanding of the variation in students’ outcomes High quality linking and identity matching is the key SSNs are necessary to link education and employment data Descriptive analyses provide baseline overview for more research Data capacity for further analysis to inform cause-effect association Lessons learned from these 4 briefs
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Legal Data quality Timeliness Build strong Partnerships Leverage of the expertise Benefit from the successes of others P-20W data use: Challenges and lessons learned
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E Feedback Reports P20 for K12 reports – P20 for CTC and Baccalaureate institutions in development Research Briefs— Recently-Asked Questions ERDC/P-20W research and reporting deliverables
W ASHINGTON S TATE E DUCATION R ESEARCH & D ATA C ENTER, O FFICE OF F INANCIAL M ANAGEMENT ERDC Conference May 21, 2014 ERDC Conference | May 21, 2014 G OVERNOR J AY I NSLE E C ONTACTS Education Research & Data Center (ERDC) P.O. Box Olympia, WA Vivien Chen Contacts